~Chapter Four: Why?~

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As I walked up the stairs I feel tear build up again. I walk over to the couch and set Jaden's stuff there. I ran into my room and jump on my bed. I began to cry. I started whispering to myself

H- You deserve this. You deserve this. He was right you dont deserve to be happy. I don't deserve Jaden. It's my fault. It's my fault my best friend is hurting. It's my fault that he got cheated on. Why do I have to be so selfish? This is why I never open up to anyone. It just causes problems. 

I hear Jaden's door open. Then I see him appear in my doorway. I make eye contact with him and his eyes are red and puffy. His hair a mess. I haven't seen him this bad since before tour. I feel the tears starting to fall again and I squeeze my eyes shut hoping it would stop them from falling. When I opened my eyes again Jaden was stand by my closet with his arms open. I got up and jumped into his arms and buried my head in his neck and cried. Jaden walked over to the bed and layed me down and held me as we both cried. 

~20 minutes later~ 

The tears have finally stop and now I was sitting here studying my best friends face. He look so hurt lost and confused. I brushed a piece of hair out of his face and kissed his forehead. 

H- I luu you Jae Jae and im so sorry. 

J- I luu you too and you shouldn't be sorry you did nothing wrong. 

He engulfed me into a tight hug after a few seconds he let go. 

J- Oh and you don't deserve any of this. At all. You derserve all the happiness in the world. Im the one who doesn't deserve you. Its not you fault that Lily did me so wrong its not your fault that Trevor was a douche and cheated on you. Its sure as hell isn't your fault that im hurting. You are the least selfish person I know. You come to me with anything okay don't hold anything back anymore it's not good. It doesn't cause problems. 

He heard me.... 

H- Jae you heard me? 

J- You weren't exactly quiet. 

J- I love you never forget it and no matter what happens when we move to LA next week you will always be my number one. 

Only he knew and only if I really knew how much I love him. 

H- I love you so much more. 

I rolled onto my back and he layed his head on my stomach. 

J- I swear you would make a perfect wife 

Jaden mumbled against my stomach. I laughed. 

H- Wife? Jaden Hossler who in the world would marry me?

J- I swear if you keep talking like that.... the real question is who wouldn't want to. 


H- Jaden im single and alone and I will be for the rest of my life. 

J- Oh alone huh, what am I then a fucking potato? 

H- Yes jaden yes you are a potato. 

J- hm okay. 

We sat there is comfortable silence. Im sitting here thinking about everything. Why? Why did it have to happen like this? LA is going to be a new start. 

J- Hannah? 

H- Yes bubs. 

J- Why did she do it? Am I not good enough for her? 

My heart broke even more if possible. 

H- Come here Jae 

I said as I opened my arms. He moved up and I held him. 

H- I don't know why she did this. You are good enough you are perfect Jaden. I love you okay? Never forget it. LA is our fresh start. She is fucking stupid. Don't let her get the best of you. 

Jaden layed on me for 2 hour and cried. We both ended up crying ourselves to sleep that night. 

With the same question replaying in my mind Why? 

Wish I were Heather(Jaden Hossler fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant