Chapter 23 - Daddy Trouble

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Chapter 23 - Daddy Trouble

Walking into work the next morning with Alexander, I felt on top of the world. We had just bought our own home.
Our home...

Not Alexander's, not mine.


"I have meetings all day, okay? Find me in my office at 12." Alexander said pecking my lips as he walked into his office, I watched him go before getting behind my desk.

"I'm looking for Alexander Knight?" Said a voice an hour later, I looked up at a man who was starting to grey. He look familiar, but I couldn't help but wonder where I have seen him before.

"Have you got a meeting with him sir?"

He smirked at me, "I don't need to have a meeting with him, Sienna."

I raised my eyebrow at him, "how do you know my name?" I asked, slightly worried.

"I know my sons slut when I see her..."My eyes widen, that's why I thought I knew him, he's Alexander's dad.

"You- you can't be here... the court said--"

"Listen here, gold digger-" Alexander's dad said getting to my level, "I don't care what the 'court said', I want to see my son."

"Don't you think you lost the right too? You know, after trying to take his business and everything else from your son."

Alexander's dad laughed at me, "listen, I could squash you like a little bug, do not temp me, slapper." I stared at him, picked up the phone and rung through to Alexander's office without losing eye contact with Alexander's dad.

"Hi, yeah I'm fine- Alexander, you dad is here to see you- no I'm fine... he hasn't said anything to me. Okay I'll let him know." I hung up, "he is in an important meeting, if you really have to speak to him, you'll have to wait."

"See? That wasn't so hard now was it? But then again, you are a woman so picking up a phone is like rocket science to you."

"Do not try to patronize me."

"Big word, did my son buy you a dictionary?" He laughed.

"I'm sorry? At least I am not a sexist, cold hearted man who has nothing left because you are an asshole."

"Don't you speak to me like that again miss!" He exclaimed, making sure that everybody in the office turn and stare. "How dare you, little slapper that opens her legs for anything with a heartbeat!" He shouted, his face red and inches from mine. I feel my eyes prick, as I heard a door open and all of a sudden Alexander's dad is no longer in front of me.

"Get out!" Alexander seethed, pushing his father.

"What? Not liking the truth son? Maybe I could have a go on her once you've finished?" I stood up as Alexander punched his father to the floor, he kept punching him.

"Alexander!" I tried to pull him off his father but he wouldn't get off.

"Come here again and I'll kill you!" Alexander screamed, still throwing continuous punches into his fathers face, other men pulled him off his father as the people in Alexander's office watched horrified.

Alexander shrugged them off as his dad stood up wiping the blood from his nose, "I will get you done for assault."

"I dare you." Alexander said walking to my side, "at least I have my family."

Alexander's dad stared at us before walking into the lift and leaving.

Alexander kissed my forehead, "I'm sorry for whatever he said, its not true." He said as the people in his office came up to us.

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