Chapter Three

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BALLERINA - Chapter Three.

A Jake Kiszka AU

Physiotherapist!Jake x Original Female Character

A/N: This is the third chapter of this story about ballet dancer Iris and physiotherapist Jake. In this, Jake and Iris start to get to know each other more. This is a slowburn, but I promise, it will be worth the wait.
Please, feel free to let me know what you think about this!

Word count: 2.5K

Warnings for this chapter: 18+ ONLY for brief mention of masturbation and oral sex, talking of physical rehabilitation and medical stuff (I am not an expert, I apologise for any inaccuracies), poor mental health, fluff, soft!Jake.


Monday finally arrived and Iris felt miserable.

She was very tired.

She couldn't sleep well and she was starting to notice the loss of all the muscle mass she had gained in many years of training. She felt stiff and tired whenever she performed basic actions, like brushing her hair and changing clothes.

The prospect of seeing Jake was more or less the only thing that kept her on the edge of the precipice, preventing her from falling down.

When he arrived, Iris was transfixed.

He looked so different.

He didn't have his usual white scrub on, but he was dressed very simply in a black t-shirt and black joggers, that hugged his thighs perfectly.

What shocked her the most was his hair.

It wasn't tied. It flowed free past his shoulders and looked so soft she wanted to reach out and touch it.
She felt an unbelievable need to do that. It felt just like  the same urge with which she needed to breathe, like her life depended on it.

He was absolutely gorgeous and Iris was afraid that, before the end, she would combust on the spot.

"Good Morning darling, ready to work?" He greeted her softly with his beautiful raspy voice

Iris felt the need to kiss him right there.

A blush creeped up her cheeks and he smirked subtly, worsening her state.

"Hi, Jake, yes I am" she answered him.

"Good" he replied.

Then he started explaining what he had planned for the day.

"Ok today I am going to help you stand for the first time in almost four weeks. We are going to take this very slowly, don't worry. If you are in pain I want you to tell me ok?" He told her.

His eyes were so soft. The light coming from the window in the back of the room was giving them a warm chestnut honey shade, with little freckles of gold.

The same soft morning light cast a delicious glow on his features, too.

Iris would have watched him all day.

She felt his hand on her right leg, lightly pulling the covers off her body.

"Now, I am going to help you bend your leg again, then you will show me how you do that without my help." He said, watching her in the eyes.

His hands resumed the same position as last week, one under her knee and the other on her foot.

She remembered very well, he was so warm.

He helped her bend her leg and, unlike last time, it didn't hurt.

"Very good, does it hurt?" He asked. He was always so attentive.

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