Chapter Eleven.

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A Jake Kiszka AU

Physiotherapist!Jake x Original Female Character

A/N: Hi everyone, I am so happy to announce that Physiotherapist!Jake is back! I felt so bad for neglecting this little story so much but, finally, here we are with another chapter. There aren't many more left, so please bear with me!

Word count: 3.7K

Warnings for this chapter: fluff, angst, panic attack.

When the hunger for food overcame the hunger for each other, Iris and Jake finally detangled themselves from the mess of blankets and sheets and got out of bed.

She blushed a little when she remembered she was completely naked and he chuckled noticing her reaction.

He approached her and she lowered her gaze, unable to maintain eye contact with him.

His eyes were too intense.

He lifted her chin and stroked her bottom lip with his thumb.

“You are so beautiful” he whispered, and she blushed even more.

Then he kissed her and she almost melted against his plump lips.

She pressed herself more against him, wishing that his warm soft body could envelop hers completely and shield her away from all the harm in the world.

They almost lost their resolve to leave the room altogether when the sharp clattering sound of a pan hitting the floor downstairs in the kitchen broke the spell between them.

Jake chuckled and Iris quickly mimicked him as they heard someone curse loudly downstairs.

“My brother is so clumsy” Jake whispered.

“We better get downstairs quickly, I wouldn't want him burning the whole house down” He continued as he guided her gently inside the bathroom in his room.

Soft morning light was engulfing the room, making the light blue and white tiles glitter.

He turned the water of the shower on and retrieved some towels from a white cabinet in the corner.

Then he kept the glass door of the shower open for her to enter.

He was about to close it and leave her there alone when she grasped his wrist and tugged him inside with her.

They both laughed and she gave him a soft peck on the lips before they both started washing themselves.

Iris took advantage of the moment he closed his eyes to wash his hair to admire his body in all his naked glory without being afraid of getting caught.

He stood there before her, strong but soft in all the right places, making her mouth water at the mere sight of him with his eyes closed and his lips slightly parted as he lathered his hair with shampoo.

His back was slightly arched as his hands rinsed his locks and, for a moment, Iris found herself envying all the little suds that, from his head, slowly traveled down his body.

With his eyes still closed, he turned his back to her and she almost whimpered at how broad and sturdy his shoulders were. 

She shivered when she saw the faint pink lines that her nails had drawn on his skin the previous day and her knees almost buckled as memories of the actions that had caused those lines flooded her memory.

She had never felt something remotely close to this with anyone else. It was a constant need of closeness that possessed her whenever she was with him and a heartwrenching need of him when, instead, they were apart.

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