Chapter Fourteen

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A Jake Kiszka AU

Physiotherapist!Jake x Original Female Character

A/N: Hi everyone! Thank you for your patience. I really struggled with this chapter but here it is. This is the chapter in which everything is finally explained. I really hope you like it!
Please read the warnings carefully and thoroughly before continuing.

Word count: 6.8K

Warnings for this chapter:  angst, pain and suffering, violence, lies, description of blood and injuries, crying, criminal behavior, talk of addiction, poor coping mechanism, poor mental health.

Jake knew something was wrong the moment he met his brother's concerned eyes.

He didn't remember the last time he had seen his twin so distraught, so when their gazes met, dread immediately gripped his throat like an icy hand.

His heart started hammering in his chest as he approached his brother in that dull hallway.

When finally the words left his brother's lips, he didn't understand at first. His mind refused to comprehend what his brother was telling him.

Then, when the meaning of those words finally sunk in, he had to sit down on a nearby chair because his head was spinning.

He took his head between his hands and shook it, defeated and furious with himself.

He cursed himself for even thinking he could get away with it. He had betrayed her and the absolute blind trust she had in him and he hated himself for that.

He had lost one of the most important people in his life and he knew she would and could never forgive him.

Nobody could, not for what he had done and hidden so recklessly.

“Let's go home, Jake. We need to figure out what to do now.” Josh said, trying to sound sure of himself but failing miserably because of the tremble in his voice.

They could sense each other's agitation so Josh tried to put a comforting hand on his twin's shoulder but Jake recoiled from his touch as if he had been hurt by an invisible blow.

He stood and silently made his way back inside the door he had come out previously and reappeared a few minutes later without his scrub and with his bag in hand, ready to leave.

They reached their cars in complete silence and left the hospital parking lot together.

When they got home, they left their cars in the driveway. Jake walked inside the garage and stopped in front of the crashed car.

Josh quickly followed him and slowly approached his brother.

“Jake, I'm so sorry. I left her in the living room with Rose while I went in the music room to check the guitars you ordered. When I came back she was nowhere to be seen. Fuck, it took less than fine minutes…I don't know what happened. I don't know how she ended up here. Just… I came downstairs and Rose was whining in front of the door to the garage and… Iris was gone. I opened the door and saw-”

He was about to finish his explanation when Jake abruptly cut him off, grabbing him by the tshirt and pinning him against the nearest wall with unbelievable force, taking his breath away.

Jake’s eyes were burning with desperation as he attacked his brother.

“You had one fucking thing to do, Josh. I asked you not to leave her alone. She shouldn't have seen this. She shouldn't have come down here!” Jake shouted in his brother's face with the force of a thunderstorm, punctuating every word with the blow of his fist against Josh’s chest.

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