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                𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆 became quieter and quieter, as my thoughts became louder. Okay yes, so my ex is the new addition to the men's club, but does that really have to affect me?

Yes actually, I'd just remembered we were training with the men's squad for a while. Didn't the odds just work out in my favour? I think Lauren felt me tense up from besides me, so she quietly slipped my hand into hers without me noticing. She knew about everything that had happened over there.

I tried to avoid eye contact to make everything easier, but suddenly everyone went quiet, and well, curiosity did get the better of me. I had to look up.

Everyone was left in their own conversations, whispering about the new additions. The managers were talking to each other, advising the newbies with this weeks plans.

I tried to lip read what they were saying, but that made absolutely no sense whatsoever. Just as i was about to give up, I could feel my heart rate increase as the feeling of being watched settled in.

My heart began to beat out of my chest as we met eyes. Well at least I know who's looking at me now.

He gave me a little friendly smile, which I gave back. Lauren dragged me away from the crowd we were currently in and linked arms with me.

"I can't believe my brother didn't tell me, I'm proper sorry. I didn't know he'd be the new player or I would have warned you," we walked towards the ball bag and got one out to do a bit of passing before training began.

"I don't think he knew, it's okay though. Just make sure you stick with me alright?" She nodded and walked away a few metres away with the ball.

"Come on man you know me better than that, I'm just surprised he didn't tell you about it. I mean he knows you play here right?" I didn't actually think of that, was this some kind of plot to make me feel bad?

"What, do you think he's tryna make me angry or something?—" I passed the ball back to her, with just a light tap, each pas getting more and more quicker, "—cuz I swear to god if that's the case I'm gonna be so fucking pissed," and before I knew it, I'd kicked the ball a little to hard into someone's face.

"Fucks sake, calm down Ana!" I raised my hands in apology at Reece, shouting a quick sorry at him. He passed the ball back towards me, and continuing on his conversation with whoever.

"Hold on, who's your brother talking to?—" before Lauren could see, the managers were approaching.

"Alright great, now we're all settled, let's get warmed up and right into a game!" We all did our normal warm-ups, which the new people obviously had to get a little help with but eventually got the hang of, just before getting into the game.

"Okay, we'll make this equally as fair, so we'll have 2 games going on, four teams. They'll be mixed with equal amounts of men and women. How does that sound?" There was a chorus of 'yes' so everyone got put into a team.

I had blanked out the other teams but made sure to listen out for my name to be called out. I really hope for the life of me, he doesn't get put on a team with me or I will cry.

"Right, let's have from the women's team Carter, Akpan, Orman, Ana Martinez, and Lauren James, then from the men's team, let's have Mount, Gallagher, Havertz, Wesley Fofana, and, yeah I think the new guy will be alright chemistry wise, yeah?"

My heart dropped, just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, we'll luckily for me it actually didn't, they were talking about the other new guy. Not him, so I was safe right?

"Okay, you guys will be team C, going against Team D,"


Christian was on team D, along with, you know who. So I guess the odds really didn't work out in my favour. I was playing Defense along with Fofana. So far we we're actually a pretty good duo.

I had the ball and ran along side Kai, only to be tackled. The ball was shortly possessed by my team and I had been the one to give it away. I couldn't help but feel a little defeated.

"I'm sorry Amor, I'll go easy on you," I rolled my eyes and pushed him away, Jeez still a flirt I see. I had trailed back to my side and into formation.

Joao had the ball, what an opportunity, he'd ran towards me without lifting his head up and I'd tackled it easily. His attack was shortly outlived as I passed it back to Ashanti.

"Whoops, I'm sorry Amor, I'll go easy on you," I mocked, but before I could walk away he grabbed my hand and laughed.

"That was a good tackle I'll admit,"

The game ended on 2-2 and training was over. I had retrieved all my stuff and went into the changing room.

"Good game Martinez, I'm dropping you off though, we're having a girls night," I smiled while nodding and headed out the changing room to wait for her outside.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry," I looked up to see I'd accidentally bumped into Lauren's brother.

"It's alright, just watch where you're going you clumsy get," he laughed while continuing his conversation with—

—oh, I didn't actually see him there, well this is awkward. I walked away to avoid that situation any more than I needed too.

"Wait Reece, let me just talk to Ana, I'll be back," I couldn't quite make out what he had said but I did hear Reece saying 'oooh' quite childishly, so god knows what that was.

"Lina wait," I kept walking in hopes that maybe he was talking to someone else? "Analina wait please," okay so he was talking to me. I stopped and turned around to see him slow down and walk up to me out of breath.

"How the hell are you out of breath, you're an athlete for a living?" I was actually concerned but he laughed.

"I was shouting and running at the same time, that's why. Now I was gonna ask, do you need a ride home?" I was confused why he even wanted to talk to me after everything that happened.

"I mean considering we're gonna be seeing each other everyday, I think we should just be okay with each other right?" He smiled.

"Thank you for the offer but it's okay, I'm going with Lauren to her house," he nodded and went on his was back to Reece.

Lauren finally emerged out of the changing rooms and spotted me to her left.

"Alright, let's get going then,"



This Man Utd v Liverpool game has made me feel heartbreak like never before 💔


this is why I slam Liverpool so much in my TAA story so go and read that 😭😭

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