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𝐈 𝐖𝐎𝐊𝐄 𝐔𝐏 to someone calling me millions and millions of times at 8:00AM, naturally disturbing my beauty sleep. So I felt a bit pissy. Is that even a word? Well if it is then that exactly.


"Hello, who is it?" I had to cough to clear my throat, you can literally tell I just woke up.

"Flipping hell, don't you have your contacts saved or something?" Ah it's the one and only Lauren James

"Of course I do, I just can't be bothered to look, considering you just woke me up,"

"Just because I woke you up, I'd say we're even. Now I've called to tell you I can't pick you up cuz my car's broken down and Emma gave me training off,"

"You lucky little prick, are you gonna be here for the game later though? It's against Tottenham I think," I'll have to check up on that later.

"No it's not, it's against West Ham and yes I will, I think my brother might have to drop me off, but I might be dead by the end of it so wish me luck,"

"No thanks, I don't think I will. Now I have 2 hours and 6 minutes to sleep until I have to get ready for training. Bye now," and before I hung up, I'd remembered something. "Oh and also, who's really sexy and hangs up first?" And as I should, hung up.

I'd luckily fell back asleep, and woke up in time to have a shower, get ready, AND eat breakfast. Now that's a world record.

I was waiting downstairs only to realise Lauren wasn't even gonna pick me up, I'd completely forgotten. It's times like this I realise driving would actually be quite good, but why would I drive if I could instead just sit in the passenger side and blast my playlist?

I picked up my phone and rang Lauren, it rang for around three seconds before she picked ups

"What do you want?" Wow, someone's in a bad mood. Probably cuz she didn't get to hang up the call before.

"I just remembered you're not picking me up. What the fuck do I do?"

"Should have thought about that before you went back to sleep." girl, now is not the time to criticise me, "Okay, we'll I might have a plan, but you may not like it,"

"Bitch hurry up, I don't wanna be late, I'm already on my second strike," she went silent for a few minutes and all I could hear was violent tapping so I'm guessing she's messaging someone.

"Okay so I asked my brother, but he can't cuz his car is full, so he's gonna ask someone else to come pick you up, he's asking if it's okay to give them your address,"

"Yes, how considerate of him for asking, thank you Lauren, don't know what if do without you," I'm really grateful.

"Aw, sweetest thing you've ever said to me, now what is the real sexiest thing and always hangs up?" Nah she really thought she did something, but I ruined it for her by hanging up before her.

Still me.

About 10 minutes later a knock came at my door, signalling my ride was here to pick me up. I gathered my waterbottle and keys off the kitchen table and picked up my gym bag.

"Hey, heard you needed a ride?"

Oh for fucks sake.


The car ride to training was absolutely awkward. It was just me and him in the car. If you haven't guessed who it is already I'll give you a hint. I do not like saying their name. Got it yet?

"Hey, I'm sorry they couldn't get anyone else to pick you up, I was kind of a last resort. Everyone else's car was full." Oh so we're starting conversation now.

"It's okay, at least I know you right?" I lightheartedly laughed.

"Look, I just want you to remember I meant everything I said that day, I will prove to you were meant to be together,"

"Oh really? Is that why you took this job?" He chuckled

"Not really, that was just coincidence," the car went silent once again, but it felt like the perfect opportunity to get it all out. I mean we wouldn't be at the training grounds for quite a while.

"João, you know we can't be together, I'm not meant to be in a relationship okay? I just can't hurt someone as lovely and kindhearted as you again, you deserve so much better," I felt his eyes on me, it was just too painful to look back.

"Amor, how would you know that without even trying? Just please give us another chance," before I could answer, we'd pulled up to the grounds.

"Let's just talk about this after training okay?" Before I could pull the handle, he grabbed my hand.

"Wait, um..." it seemed like he just acted on impulse without actually having anything to say. "What time is your match later?"

"I think it's at 6, why?" I had noticed the grip on my hand tightening as if he couldn't let go.

"I'll be there, just for you." I laughed

"You really don't have to do that,"

"I do. I'll even wear your shirt, had to return the favour someday right?" I thought about his words, wondering if he even meant it.

"Uh yeah sure," I smiled, "I think you know what number I am," and this time he smiled.

"Number 11? Really?"

"Well I mean it was mine before yours, so yeah." and we went to training laughing.

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