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                     𝐒𝐄𝐄, 𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 was scheduled to be on the second day so we had the whole first day to practice and train. I was scrolling on instagram after I'd found out all the fans were invited too. They were calling this the battle of the ballers....

Okay, I was calling it that, but it just has such a cool ring to it you know?

Anyways, the first match was yesterday, which meant that it's our turn today. We we're going against the PSG's managers team. Unfortunately I had no idea who was on that team or even on the lineup until the last 15 minutes before the game starts cuz we were actually not allowed to contact anyone outside of your own team.

They were taking this really seriously, claiming 'It would ruin the authenticity of an actual non-friendly match'

All we knew was the PSG manager of the mens team was the manager for the other team. Maybe it would have helped if I'd listened to them when they were actually calling out the names...

We were all sat in the main locker room after being called in by the manager to discuss the tactics despite hearing it about 20 thousands times that time, but you can never be too prepared.

"Okay, I'm about to pin up the other teams lineup so don't all start pushing okay?"

Yeah that was useless cuz we all raced up to the board, there was a LOT of pushing and shoving. Eventually I just got bored and sat back down, waiting for everyone to clear up.

Sam came up to me with a sketchy look on her face. She sat down next to me and watched the crowd with me.

"Yeah, you are NOT gonna like that lineup," I looked towards her confused on how she even got through that crowd

Luckily the crowd had cleared up and only a few people lurked about. I finally walked up to the lineup.

First thing I checked was if I was in the starting lineup. Which was a fat no, made me very sad. But it's okay cuz I'll come on eventually.

The next thing I checked was who was on the other team.

Wow, my first game and I was playing against João. That is crazy. But you know what else is crazier? The fact that Mbappe's playing too. This is gonna be a sick game, if I do say so myself.

I went and sat back down, I looked straight ahead, feeling Kerr stare into the side of my head.

"Well? What do you think?"

"That lineup wasn't bad at all. Well, except for the fact i'm not in the starting XI, but it's okay cuz I'll come on later,"

"Are you not pissed about playing with Mbappe?"

"How the hell do you know about that?"

"Number one, your friend Bea told everyone at that new season party we had when she was really drunk, and number two, you told us at that new season party when you were really drunk"

"Sounds like me, and anyways, why would I be complaining? This is the only chance I get to tackle him with a purpose, don't take this away from me,"

She raised her arms up in surrender and I gave her a friendly tap on her leg.

"Right! I think it's time. Let's head to the tunnel!" The benched players were escorted through a different area.

I sat up on the seats and looked over to the other side. João was there already looking at me. He gave a quick wave and looked back down to the pitch.

I couldn't wave back so I just focused on the game.


Around 25 minutes into the game, the score was still nil-nil. One of the coaches came up the stairs telling me to go warm up. I walked towards the area where I could see a few other people from the other team warming up and joined them. Millie was there along with them.

"Brightie, fancy seeing you here!" I jogged around the circuit opposite her being careful not to bump into anyone.

"Marti, how's Potter been treating you?"

"Well not good enough! Look at me on the bench! I'm too pretty for the bench," she laughed and reached over to my shoulder.

"Keep dreaming, Marti,"

"Wow, I can't believe this, bitch move Bright," I dramatically shook my head and made an 'attempt' to ignore her.

I felt someone tap me on my back, I turned around to see Joao joining.

"You getting sent on too?" I continued the warmup one last time before I was confident to get on.

"Yep, look forward to playing against you," he smiled.

"You mean losing against me?"



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