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               "𝐇𝐄𝐘, 𝐈'𝐌 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐘. 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 anywhere near yet?" I looked down at my phone for the time and then lifted it back up to my ear. The time was now 16:24 and it was the day before the flight.

"Yeah, I'm outside your house right now," I grabbed my stuff before leaving my house and locking the door on my way out. Joao and I were about to go shopping for the trip tomorrow. It was a two month long holiday and I needed a few new outfits. I got into the car and of course buckled my seatbelt.

"Hey, how are you?"

"I'm good. How are you?"

"Great!" The car was then silent. Only thing you could hear was the sound of the radio. That was until my phone started blowing up with notifications. I picked out my phone from my pocket and that's when I received a phone call.


"Hey L, what's wrong?" I looked at Joao, who already looked concerned from the amount of notifications I was receiving.

"Have you checked your emails?" I began scrolling through my phone to find the email app.

"Not yet, why?"

"Just check the new email and message me back," she hung up the phone and I clicked to open the new email. It was from our managers so I made sure to read it aloud.

"Have you seen the email?" I looked at Joao who was just looking ahead.

"No, what is it?"

"Dear Chelsea's Men and Women, we have recently been in contact with managers from local French teams, who are aware of our arrival and are happy to host a few friendly games in order to help both their and our chemistry—

—We will meet up with the teams on our second day of arrival. To those who are excited to know, the team that have been very helpful and professional in sportsmanship, will be the Paris Saint Germain Men and Women's team. I hope you are familiar with them. This email was to ensure everyone was up to date with the newest inquiries. Happy Saturday!"

I turned my phone back off and put it back onto my lap just so I can just soak in that information.

"Meu Amor, are you okay?" I would have been angry at the fact he called me that, but I'm in an amazing mood.

"OH MY GOD, I'M GONNA MEET NEYMAR JR," I may have screamed the whole car down but I didn't care, I couldn't hold it in any longer. I'm finally gonna meet my husband.

"Wait, you like Neymar Jr?" I looked up at him in shock.

"Who the hell doesn't? Have you seen how beautiful he is?" I squealed in excitement, I can't believe this.

I was so caught up in celebrating I had not even realised we were at the shopping centre, parked up, and ready to go. I opened my door and jumped out. I need to tell Bea and Millie the news. This is huge.


𝐭𝐨 𝐁𝐄𝐀 🐝, 𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐄 🐸 : GUYS, I'M GONNA MEET NEYMAR LOOK *sent 2 attachments*

I walked belong side Joao, who had not said a word since our arrival. I looked back up at him from my phone and while slinging my arm around his shoulder.

"Aren't you excited?" I asked as he just looked around at the shops.

"Yeah, I guess," I shook my head at his 'excitement' how the hell was he not excited?

"Well I can see it's upsetting you, so we can stop talking about it,"

He suddenly stopped making me stop along with him.

"No, Lina. If it makes you happy and excited then I don't wanna stop talking about it, it's just, how dare you like Neymar more than me!" He dramatically flung his arms around.

"Hey! Who said I like Neymar more than you? Okay yes, he may be Pretty, and yes, he may be sexy, and yes he may be funny— okay you know what? Nevermind, let's stop talking about this,"

He looked even angrier than he did before. Mission Accomplished.

We stepped into a designer looking shop with pretty cute displays of everything, ranging from jeans, to shirts, to dresses. I actually really wanted to try everything I saw on. There was this cute little fluffy jumper that I thought would pair perfectly with this brown plaid skirt. I'm gonna look like I'm actually from France.

Okay, well technically I am but...

I was about to ask Joao for his opinion, but as soon as I turned around, he was no where to be seen. I think I can make a very estimated guess and say he was looking at the shoes. God knows what his obsession with shoes was.

I also saw this cute little, brown, wooly trench coat which I instantly picked up. I think I'm going for the Brown vibe. I bought a few more shirts and jeans before buying them and heading towards the shoes to find him.

As I expected. He was trying on Jordans, like his collection isn't already big enough.

"Lina, do you want to buy a pair of trainers?" I thought about it for a second. I mean I did buy a lot of brown clothes, but I actually have no brown shoes.

"Okay fine, but they have to be brown," I think I've said the word 'brown' way too many times. BUT EXCUSE ME, I'M GONNA MEET NEYMAR, I GOTTA LOOK NICE. 

"I know just the shoe," he quickly scurried off in another direction as I sat down on the seats. I wonder what shoes he was gonna pick out. He came back with light brown Jordans, which he looked very happy with.

"Here, try this." He kneeled down and slipped the shoe on for me which I thought was so sweet. Standing back to pull me up with him.

"Go on, walk with it on. Is it comfortable?" I laughed at his excitement and began walking to satisfy him.

"Wow, these are actually quite nice, how much are they?" I sat back down and before I could reach down and check, he took it off of me.

"Don't worry about it, let's go." I was confused at the sudden mood swing, but nevertheless, began putting my shoe on as he went to put them back.

I sat there for a good five minutes waiting for him to come back, and after a few more minutes, when he didn't, I started to get really worried.

I got up, and began searching for him. I shouldn't have bought this much stuff cuz it was starting to get really heavy. Considering my career, I am not healthy at all.

I finally found him, walking towards me from the direction of the entrance.

"Where the hell did you go?" He took my bags off me and gave me one of the bags he was holding.

"Open it," he smiled. I was confused but still opened the bag he gave me, I would have never guessed what.

"Did you buy the shoes?" I smiled, closing the box and safely putting them back into the bag.

He nodded, "Wait, are they for me? Seriously?" I gave him a big hug, I really appreciated the gesture. I tried taking a few bags off him but he refused. We began walking back to the car. I felt really giddy from all the good news today.

"Great now tell me, would Neymar buy you shoes?"

"Not sure, but I'm hoping he'd buy me a ring,"

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