Love and Light

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    "I will never understand this magic." I muttered to myself as Luz held her box up. She said she was recording King tear apart the ducky sock stuck on his nose. She called it a 'cell phone'. "Either way, I'm heading out." I scratched King under the chin.
    "Aww. I was gonna give Luz a lesson on demons today. You could join!" I smiled down at him and scooped River up in my hands. "Nah I'm well versed in Demons 101. I'm catching up with a friend today. Bye guys, don't burn the house down... don't let Hooty get into too much trouble."
    "hey! Hoot, Hoot. I NEVER get in trouble!"
    "Yeah, like when you tied yourself in a knot whilst chasing a bug," I said. "Either way, Eda will be home soon. Tell her I'll be back by night fall. Again... don't burn the house down... at least wait til I'm back for that. It'd be funny." Hooty looked at me shocked full of horror. "Joking Hooty... just joking. Byeee."

I looked down to my Penstagram messages. Yeah this was the right address. I'm not sure why I didn't expect a mansion. This was the first time I had seen such an extravagant home. The gates didn't even have a creek as they opened, I didn't know gates could be quiet. I won't lie, I did consider turning back and going home. This was a bit much.
    "Mel you made it!" I jumped a little in pure surprise as the door flung open. Emira greated me and dragged me inside. "Come on! Let me show you around!" Some how it felt bigger on the inside. The halls seemed to go on forever.
    "Man this place smells good." Emira looked at me puzzled. "The Owl House smells of bird feathers and such... yes I'm aware of how weird that sounds." She giggles at me.
    "Em! You never told me we had a friend over today!" I smiled softly up at Edric
    "Hey Ed. Em invited me to study illusion magic together." Ed leant on my shoulders with a smirk.
    "That so? Does Mum know you have a guest? Or did you plan for a day where she'd be stuck at the factory all day for a reason?" Em's ears and cheeks flushed red at Ed's statement.
    "What's SHE doing here?!" The twins turned to find Amity red with rage seeing me. "She's the one who broke into the school and broke out that abomination thing of Willow's! I'm so telling Mum about this!"
    "just a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time," I told her with a shrug. "I actually sneak into the school to study... there's only so much homeschool can teach." Amity looked at me blankly, I couldn't read her. She just left in a huff. I didn't get that kid. I had a feeling I'd have to deal with her again in the future. And that wasn't the small bit of fortune telling magic I knew.
    "come on! We got some study to do!" I let Em take me by the hand up to what I assumed was her room.

These kids were in a class of their own. Em's room alone was massive. No signs of her having to share it with Ed or Amity. And everything she could ask for was right there.
    "this makes my place seem like an old storage cupboard," I sighed. "Where shall we start, I get you don't necessarily WANT to study and would rather have some fun but... I do wanna learn something from you. In return I've got some music." Em smiled at me.
    "come on Sis! Let me join too! Mel's my friend too!" We shared a giggle between us before I drew a magic circle, opening the door to Ed's flushed face. "That's cool. You gotta teach us some of your magic too!" A shiver ran down my spine as a crack of thunder opened the skies. "Boiling rain... loots like we're gonna enjoy each other's company for some time..." I sighed. "I'm going to have to contact home. Can I use your crow phone?" Ma wasn't particularly happy with the situation. But she agreed it was safer for me at Blight Manor rather than trying to navigate through boiling rains. "Everyone stay safe tonight, don't over do it... that barrier spell always knocks you flat. Stay rested, I warned the others not to burn the house down... do I have to give you the same warning?"
    "I'll be fine, have fun," Ma yawned.

I sat at the window and watched the rain awhile. It always worries me when Ma over does it on the magic, it's not safe for her.
    "You good?" I nodded at Ed. "You seem different."
    "the rains get me down is all," I sighed. "Who's gonna show off first?" Both twins were curious to see what I could do. "Isn't it convenient I brought my mandolin to play." No one would believe I make these tunes on the spot. There was only one song I learned. I hadn't played it in years. I preferred improving. The room around us lightened as I played, enticing and trapping the twins in my glazed reality. Light bubbles distracted from the world around them and kept them listening. "You'll find from here... you have no sense of world. You wouldn't notice the slightest movements." The twins nodded mindlessly. I brought my tune to an end and snapped my fingers in their faces. "Being a bard doesn't mean I'm not light fingered." I pulled the hair pin from my hair. Em felt around at the start of her long braided hair. "From mid performance listeners loose all sense of world. No one would notice movement they get trapped in song... I just have to be careful of those outside the spell." The two were dumbfounded by my ability.
    "You'd give the head witch of the Bard Coven a run for his money," Ed joked.
    "I heard he's gonna retire soon," I remarked. "But no, I have no intention of getting to that kind of level. I just wanna provide. It's just me and the others. I do what I can to help out."

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