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Leant forward with my chin in my hand, elbow on my knee, I watched King struggle his way up the slide. He was having the time of his life. Sat between Ma and myself, Luz sat chewing her nails and, freaking out about if our little tyrant was going to fall or get himself bullied.
"he's fine. Look at him." Ma pointed at King with a smile.
"he does look like he's having fun," Luz agreed.
"If anything he's the one who'll be mean to the other kids... that's what we have to watch for," I sighed. I smiled to myself as he reached the top of the slide with a little cheer of triumph. I'm pretty sure he was playing ruler of the playground. I sat back with my arms crossed as a snot nosed kid came up behind him and pushed King back down the slide. He came running and clung to my leg.
"Eda! Mel! That monster took my throne!"
"you mean the baby?" Ma snickered.
"No! The usurper!" King complained. "I want you to go over there and blow him up! KABOOM!"
"Kaboom!" I looked over at the kid copying King.
"how about no," I said as River disconnected from her staff and nestled into my neck.
"I'm not using Owlbert to blow up a five-year-old," Ma told him. Taking Owlbert from the staff as well. Owlbert chirped as Ma scratched his little belly.
"you two are too cute today," I cooed nuzzling into River's side.
"how'd you get your Palismen?" Luz asked with a smile.
"get them? We made them," I told her.
"yeah, from the branch of an ancient tree," Ma added. "We're bonded for life. I'd annihilate anyone who'd hurt Owlbert." King said something about revenge being sweeter if his opponent fell at his own hands. Sure thing. River chirped up at me, I gave her a scratch under her beak.
"I'd destroy anyone who hurt you don't worry. Hooty was beat up up for ages after his little stunt with you." River seemed happy with that. She still won't go near Hooty if she can help it. He plays too rough for my River.
"Tag your it!" I watched that snot nosed kid push King to the ground.
"Oh man, here we go. King's squeak of rage." I plugged my ears as Ma laughed at Kings little rage squeak. Yes it's cute... not very pleasant on my ears. Such a high pitched sound was enough to give me a headache. King stamped his feet and waved his arms about having his little tantrum before running to the playground again to destroy his enemies. "He's like a little tea kettle," Ma laughed.
"hey what's that?" Luz asked pointing to Owlbert's foot.
"that's his interlock," Ma explained. "So he only fits under my staff. See River has one too." Ma pointed out River's foot. Only a slightly different looking interlock. "Every Palisman has one." I watched as Ma's eyes rolled back and she collapsed.
"well shit." I sighed. "Luz you try waking her, I'll get King. We have to get home now." Luz nodded at me. "King we HAVE to go!" I called out from the bottom of the playground.
"five more minutes please!" He growled down to me.
"Don't argue with me. NOW! Ma's not looking to good." King grumbled down at me before jumping into my outstretched arms. "Thank you. Let's go."

Ma flopped onto the couch with a sigh.
"I'll go get your elixir," I told her.
"No!" I turned my head to Ma and her urgent tone. She shifted her attitude quickly as I snapped my head back to her. "I'll... uh, go get it myself in a bit." I raised my eyebrow at her. She was hiding something from me. I turned back around to head upstairs. "Melody May Clawthorne! I said it's fine." I narrowed my eyes. She just full named me. She was absolutely hiding something. I threw my arms up in a huff and turned for the kitchen. "I know how to take care of myself, I've had this curse longer than either of you have been alive." I rolled my eyes leaving to get her a drink. I returned with a mug of water for Ma.
"Luz weren't you going out with Willow and Gus?" I asked.
"yeah we were gonna go to the Grudgby game between Hexside and Glandus High!" Luz cheered. Luz went on her little spiel about sport and school pride and whatever. "But Eda, if you need me to stay..."
"uh gross, sympathy. Go. Go have fun at sport." Ma shooed Luz out the door. She was pumped. She didn't actually wanna stay home to look after Ma. I waited until the door was fully closed before snapping my head back to Ma. My eyes narrowed at her. She shuddered a little before straightening up and dusting herself off. "Don't look at me. I can look after myself! Don't you wanna go watch the game too or something?" I screwed my face up in disgust.
"Just coz I'm enrolling doesn't mean I have to enjoy spot. Ew no thanks." I rubbed my eye. "You're hiding something from me. Ma you gotta let us help." She didn't like that.
"I'm fine. I don't need you kids looking after me forever." She crossed her arms over her chest and slumped down into the couch. "Soon enough you'll leave the nest and I'll only have myself to do all this. I'm not blind to how grown up you've gotten recently." I raised my eyebrow at her.
"you think you're getting rid of me that easy? Whatever I'm not in the mood to argue. If you need me, I'm gonna have a nap. Take your elixir, now."

Melody's Whispers (discontinued for a rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now