Soldier of Stone

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King says he has a memory of falling from a great height before Ma and I found him in the lower level of the tower. Luz believed there may have been something in the upper levels, blocked off by fallen debris.
"you wanna go back in there with that thing?!" I'm sure no one was surprised by my shock... we were all thinking it... I was just the one to mention it. None of us really wanted to return to that place. But King was sure he had fallen from some great height. And Luz was certain it was from an upper level.
"We need a plan." Luz took out her notepad and pencil with a smirk, drawing out an unfamiliar combination of glyphs.
"When did you teach yourself this?" I questioned, watching her just vanish. Hands on my head in shock. Luz puffed heavily as she reappeared. "That's insanely cool."
"taught myself this morning whilst you were hogging al the hot water." Luz said smugly. "It only works for as long as I hold my breath though." She got to drawing again. We had more than enough of these glyph combos drawn out, but we agreed it was better to have too many than not enough.

We looked amongst ourselves and nodded. Hooty was loaded. He and Aunt Lily were ready. Luz and King were ready to fly with Ma. I could pull off a tighter turn without the extra load. Ma smirked at the exploding potions before picking one to throw.
"Sister, I was the captain of the Grudgby Team back in the day, I should throw it." I couldn't believe Aunt Lily would start the whole sister rivalry thing at a time like this.
"And you're looking at the star player!" Ma argued back holding the potion bottle out of Aunt Lilith's reach. I rolled my eyes with a click of my tongue as Aunt Lily struggled against Ma wanting to grab the EXPLOSIVE bottle.
"Oh for the love of-." I stood up with a huff, standing behind Ma, taking the bottle from her hands. I shot the two of them a deathly glare. "Grow up, the both of you." I swirled the liquid inside a few times. "Sometimes, I'm glad I was raised an only child." I turned my back to our target, really getting the liquid inside the bottle swirling before lobbing it over the back of my head though the tower entrance. "You egg enough houses you learn to take trick shots." I smiled wildly as the bottle exploded on impact, square on target. Ma and Aunt Lily stared shell shocked. "Get moving, your window is closing." Aunt Lily took Hooty and flew ahead into the tower. We'd loaded Hooty with more of Ma's explosives. Those two would rip open a hole for us to fly to the roof and blow it apart. Luz handed me a stack of her invisibility glyphs.
"Remember, they only work for as long as you hold your breath." I nodded at her taking to my staff.
"I don't like that look in your eyes, Mel." Ma warned. "no funny stuff. got it? behave." I smirked at her before taking a deep breath and activating the glyph.  It was surreal to see everything around me except myself. I was fully aware of where I was, I knew my hands were right in front of me. I couldn't see them but I knew exactly where they were and what I was doing. River vanished too anything attached to me would also be undetected. Aunt Lily and Hooty may have been our big guns but I still had magic, I could attack that thing from close up. It was my time to shine.

I flew in there at top speed, holding my breath the whole time. Ma, Luz and King not far behind me. A deep breath reviled my location to the rock soldier. A sharp whistle knocked it about enough to open space for Ma to drop Luz behind some rocks. Another whistle knocked it briefly off its feet. I briefly watched Ma lodge her final explosive into the caved in ceiling.
"I got it!" That was Aunt Lily and Hooty's queue to get out of there.
"time to shed a little light on this situation." I thought I was cleaver, all I got was a collective groan as I lit up the room with my light spell, just enough for Luz to get a clear shot with her fire magic, exploding a hole in the ceiling.
"Fly, fly, fly!" Luz called out as the ceiling opened up to us. It took us up a long, narrow shaft, we had to fly behind each other. Only able to go as fast as Ma and Owlbert. That thing followed close behind. I licked my dry lips before getting another whistle in to push the rock soldier back just a little. Apparently, it could just casually scale walls. I'd forgotten that from my first encounter with it.

Melody's Whispers (discontinued for a rewrite)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin