Evening Mischief and Moving Houses

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I sat upside down on the couch my hair hanging over the edge onto the floor. Penstagram in hand. Em and Ed had created a group chat for us, we'd been catching up at least once a week for a while. We were in the middle of organising our next catch up/'study session'. We mostly sat on Penstagram for hours and eating. The most mundane stuff imaginable. Occasionally we'd actually plan something, following Amity about, causing grief. Fun stuff. I turned my head to see Ma shuffling her deck of cards. She'd asked me to play her, I wasn't any good at the game. I didn't enjoy it and Ma... she could be a bad winner. Not saying I'm not a sore looser but you know. Having a win rubbed in your face isn't fun. Owlbert was her opponent today.
"Watch closely, Luz. Hexes hold 'Em is the most tricky game on the Boiling Isles any proper witch knows how to play," Ma explained.
"Oh boy! Cards! The paper rectangles old people think are cool!" See her words sounded sarcastic. Her tone seemed genuinely interested. She confused me.
"Haha, you're old," I teased shoving Ma's side with my free hand. Ma shoved me right back and continued playing explaining to Luz how to play. You know sometimes I think she taught Luz stuff as an excuse to not be judged for her obsessions.
"Whoo! I win! In your adorable owl face!" Yep bad winner. "I love the feeling of victory! It feels... fluffy?" I looked up from Pensta.
"Uh Ma!"
"Eda, it's happening again!" Luz chimed in.
"your curse is returning!" King added.

Ma's stash had been run dry.
"I told you like two weeks ago you needed to restock. Ma this stuff is important!" I growled.
"the last time this happened you turned into this thing." Luz held up her cell phone showing a picture of the owl beast. Ma joked about it being a fierce look. "Eda."
"you're right, you're right," she sighed "we need to head to the market." Luz and King loved that. King said something about stealing everything that isn't nailed down. This is why we can't go places. "Hey before we go, would anyone like to play one more round of Hexes Hold 'Em?" Ma shuffled around in her pocket for her deck of cards. The ones I had pickpocketed and handed to Owlbert.
"fly ahead to the market, she'll have to follow," I told him.
"Owlbert you sore looser give me back my cards!" Luz, King and I watched her running after Owlbert. I shrugged my shoulders and followed after the two.
"better get a move on, we don't wanna loose them."

Mr Elixir. Morton. He was Ma's regular guy for these elixirs. She banged at the security cage over his window, yelling for him to open up. I took to Penstagram again. Em had mentioned that Amity had invited a few friends over for a moonlight conjuring. Em and Ed wanted to mess with them.
Mel: I don't know. Ma's pretty strict on not staying out after nightfall. It's not exactly safe... and if I do something dangerous Luz has a tendency to copy. She's fragile.
Em: don't tell her. Just sneak out. We won't judge. Come on it'll be fun!
It did sound like fun, even just staying out all night with good company.
Ed: we could use illusions to make them think they animated a doll or something.
Mel: haha, okay. I'll swing by around nightfall. So long as we stay at your place I don't see what she'd have to argue against.
I looked up as Ma banged louder.
Mel:I better go before Ma blows a fuse, I'll see you guys tonight.
"Whoa that's one ominous parade." I looked back up from Penstagram to see the local demon hunters back in town dragging in tow their latest catch. Luz probably hadn't seen them before, we actively avoid them. Ma explained to Luz what they're all about.
"They capture and sell powerful beasts." Ma pounded harder at Morton's stand. "Which I'm about to become if you don't open up Morton!" She was loosing her temper now.
"Sorry Eda. I was up all night poison tasting," Morton apologised opening up his window. "For some reason I don't feel great." I raised my eyebrows at him, 'for some reason'. Sure.
"We're all out of our juice, pal." Ma told him in a lowered voice making sure she didn't bring attention to herself... not like she didn't do that banging on the stand no yelling before.
"oh gee, let me see what I can do." He rummaged through his stocks for a while. I caught Luz running across the street, she'd spotted Willow and Gus. They looked a bit down about themselves. Oh well. "Ah... I have bad news and good news... bad news is, I'm all out 'til next week. Good news is feathers are a good look for you." Morton was just trying to not get a verbal smack down from Ma.
"MORTON!" Feathers fell from Ma's body. Almost like I bird flying into window.
"Gee, guys why'd you wait to re-up 'til now?"
"I've been very busy!"
"playing Hexes hold 'em." King chimed in. "She's obsessed!" Ma tried to argue back but... "you're playing it right now!" How did she manage to set a playing field in the middle of a conversation.
"Am I winning?" I facepalmed.
"you know, I wouldn't suggest this to just anybody..." Morton spoke up. "But if you need your elixir, you could try your luck later this evening..."
"in the night market?" Morton nodded at Ma.
"there's a guy with a stand, goes by Grimm Hammer. If anyone has what you need, it'll be him." I hated the idea of the night market. Sketchy place.
"Eda! Gus, Willow and I are gonna do a moonlight conjuring and stick it to Amity, so can we-." Ma cut Luz off telling her that she's going out and she needed us to look after the house. I wasn't particularly impressed with this. With Ma not home, Hooty would definitely know if I snuck out. "Maybe they can come to the house then?"
"no. Besides conjurings are dumb, sitting in a circle holding hands. It's like magic for babies." I watched Ma walk away with King in arm. I gots to thinking. There could be a way me and Luz got what we wanted. Willow and Gus ran up behind us, asking what Eda said.
"She said it's fine," I told them. "So long as you don't mess up the house and never bring up the fact that you held it." I smirked at the kids. "And so long as you keep a tiny little secret for me."

Melody's Whispers (discontinued for a rewrite)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin