Eventful First Day

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I sat cross legged in the wings of the stage watching it all unfold... my arm resting on my knee hand under my chin. I'll admit, she started off strong... but it's Luz something was bound to go south. Despite her... performance... yeah that's what I'll call it, she passed. I looked up at Ma holding her hand out to me, taking it pulling me to my feet. I summoned my mandolin.
"Break a leg, Kiddo." Ma messed up my hair before ushering me on stage.
"Melody Clawthorne, hmm?" Bump looked me dead in the eyes. I'm sure he was trying to psych me out. I raised my eyebrow at him.
"after watching... that, is there really anything I'm gonna do that'll fail me?" Bump shrugged his shoulders. "That's what I thought." Lowering my head I began to play. I wouldn't know if he'd listened to me play at the market. Didn't know if he'd pick up on what I was doing. "At this point you'll find yourself loosing sense of reality... to the point where you haven't noticed five light glyphs activated behind me." Bump snapped his head away from my playing for the moment. I'd learned a thing or two from Luz. I smirked to myself plucking a single string, a controlled sonic boom. "A song bird has its tricks." I popped up behind him, startling my new principal. "You can pass me now. Then I can tell you I play mandolin, viola, the flute and I dabble in a little harp... among other magics."

I was never worried about passing, I only took the entrance exam as a formality, my score didn't phase me. A smile crossed my face watching Luz jump around the kitchen excitedly with her new uniform on.
"don't break your ankle before you start your first day," I told her before throwing down the last of my morning coffee.
"you girls ready?" Ma called out, her staff in tow. I summoned River with a smile.
"born ready." Ma smiled at me, knowing I had smashed the high score in the bard track's entrance exams. I grabbed my messenger bag and slung it over my shoulder. Whipping my hair back into a messy ponytail out of my face. Now we were heading out, Luz's excitement turned to anxiety.

Luz flew with Ma, right beside me.
"we gotta go back, this was a mistake. I'm gonna mess things up again and everyone will see, and-."
"Alright, you gotta calm down." Ma spoke up, cutting Luz's panicked rambling. "Why are you nervous? You've been to school before."
"that's why I'm nervous," Luz said, "at my human school, I didn't make a good first impression. This is a chance to be seen as something other than a screw up." I rolled my eyes at her.
"Luz you're affiliated with the Clawthorne's nothings gonna help you." I grumbled looking directly forward. "We're gonna be watched - what's the human expression? 'Like a hawk'? Ma screwed up and dropped out. Everyone expects the same from us."
"you're not helping, Melody," Ma growled. "Luz, don't worry about what those dorks think. If you want my advice, walk into class and punch the first kid you see. To establish dominance."
"aw. I won't be doing that, but thanks." Could Luz really take any real advice from Ma? She was as drop out.

River nestled down on my shoulder as I adjusted my cowl.
"Hey, last chance to back out and earn a new Bad Girl Coven patch," Ma told us as Luz found her feet. "Quitting. It's like trying, but easier!"
"Nah, I'll just earn it when I quit showering. Bye!" My yes tracked Luz as she turned to run towards the main doors.
"Hold up!" Ma yelled out throwing her hand at Luz's head. I watched the hand crawl back to Ma as she told Luz not to be a 'goody Luz-shoes'. "You girls, got this." Ma turned her head right to me. "I don't want to hear anything about cutting classes or causing mischief. You gotta be sneaky about it. Do it, don't get caught."
"Uh huh, sure thing Ma." I put my hand on Luz's shoulder. "I'm going on ahead. See ya inside."

"Mel!" I lifted my head up, greeted by Em running down the hall toward me. Ed not far behind her. "You passed!"
"Was there any doubt?" I teased. Em and Ed agreed to walk me up to Bump's office. I was meant to wait for Luz, I figured she'd find her way.
"what track you gonna pick?" Ed asked. "I won't lie, I can't see you choosing just the one." I shrugged my shoulders at him.
"I did consider Illusions," I replied. "But really, the Bard Track is the obvious choice." Em hung her arm over my shoulders, nearly knocking me off balance.
"Aw, we could have been in all the same classes." I smiled at her.
"We'll just have to continue our study days," I told her. "What's the point in them if we're learning the same stuff?" The twins cheered in response to the idea. "Well, this is my stop." I looked up at the doors.
"Mel! Wait up!" I turned around to see Luz running behind us.
"we should get to home room, catch ya, cutie." Em said waving me off before turning around quickly and hurrying off. I noticed Edric laughing and teasing his sister as they left earshot.
"what was that about?" I shrugged my shoulders at Luz. "Well, we should get in there."

Melody's Whispers (discontinued for a rewrite)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang