Only the Three of Us

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I watched her pace back and forth. Luz was so overthinking this. She thought Em and Ed were 'cool teens' meaning she herself had to act 'cool'. I held my arm out stopping the twins from approaching.
    "Gotta be cool. Cool?" She leant against one of the pillars at the library doors. "Cool?" She began striking poses.
    "this is gold," I giggled.
    "let's put her out of her misery," Ed chuckled. Luz had given up with the cute poses.
    "keep going! This is fun to watch!" Em called out, spooking Luz. I covered my mouth hiding my little giggle. Comedy gold.
    "you ready to bring this whole, whatever you're doing, inside?" Ed asked gesturing to the door. Luz was more than ready to hang with the cool kids. "It says no trespassing, but I'm allergic to the rules."
    "And dairy." Em chimed in as I pulled out a key scroll. Of all things it could have been called... it didn't even unlock locks... just made the lock big enough to walk through.
    "wow, okay. Just expose me like that." I activated the spell and stuck the scroll to the door. It burned up and the lock grew large enough to walk right in. Luz was amazed.
    "come on, the real fun starts here," I said leading the way, before sharply turning back to Luz. "Surely you're smart enough to know; Ma NEVER finds out about this. I'll personally make your life a living hell if she EVER finds out." Luz nodded, looking kinda threatened. I smiled at her. "Good, let's go."

    "Standing in a dimly lit lobby. You guys know how to party!" Luz spoke as she looked around.
    "There! The Wailing Star!" I looked up to the large lead glass window over looking the library where Ed was pointing. The shooting star lit up the room as it passed the window. We looked around us. It was meant to unlock some rare magic. "Hmm. Nothing happened." Ed sounded disappointed.
    "wait..." Luz approached the bookshelves. "The books are all glowy." I watched animals fly from the pages as she opened the book she'd pulled.
    "Wow! The Wailing Star magicked the books to life!" Ed cheered. The animals disappeared as Luz closed her book.
    "Okay, that's pretty cool," I said rubbing my hands together. "This is gonna be fun."

Each book did something different. Fashion magazines changed our outfits. Graphic novels created speech bubbles when we spoke, I wish people had speech bubbles normally, that'd make life so much easier. We found one book, 'Snowballs A History', when opened and aimed fired snowballs from the pages. There were multiple copies of this book. We spent far longer battling each other in a snowball fight then I'd like to admit. I smirked from the top of the bookshelf watching for my targets. I watched Ed and Em chase each other though the library before opening my book and open firing.
    "Hey no fair! You can perch in high places!" Ed protested. Em laughed on the floor.
    "She so got us!" It sounded like she was having a good time of it. I jumped down from the bookshelf to investigate something that had caught my eye.
    "hmm?" I turned my head to the side as I inspected the cover of the book I'd seen.
    "what's up, Mel?" I showed Em the cover.
    "someone's drawn on it," I told her as I opened the book. That was one ugly monstrosity.
    "that's cool!" Ed chimed closing the book before rushing to find Luz. We found her in the Kid's Corner, reading Otabin the Bookmaker. I loved that book growing up, I'm pretty sure Ma kept it in her stash all these years. "Hey Luz check this out!" He pulled a kids book about a duck from the shelf, the cute little duck danced around the floor. Ed took a pencil and drew big hairy legs on the page, causing the duck to mutate and have matching legs, this freaked the poor little guy out.
    "Now he's extra cute!" Ed laughed with Em as she closed the book and set it down. "You're turn Luz!" She said turning to Luz.
    "I don't know..." Luz wasn't sure on the idea of drawing in the pages. Not even I really thought it to be a good idea.
    "come on. Don't stop the fun," Ed pressured, forcing the pencil into Luz's hands. She opened Otabin's book and paused. She couldn't do it. "Let me help!" Ed moved Luz's hand to draw large teeth and sharp claws on the little bookmaker. Luz quickly snapped the book shut, stating she didn't wanna see the result.
    "whatever, we didn't come here just to doodle. Come on!" Em took Luz's arm causing Luz to drop the book.

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