Really Connecting

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"Haven't seen you for a while, Mel. Been off travelling again?" I smiled at the girl behind the counter as she handed me a coffee to go.
"You could say that," I said taking a sip. "You know, no matter where I end up, no where has anything that compares to this stuff."
"you're too kind." I smiled and handed over what cash I had managed to scrounge up. "The tips a little light today, sorry. I'm a little tight on cash it seems. Travelling does that, you know." We had a laugh together before I left. "I'll catch ya some other time, yeah?" Ah human junk day. And one where I was free to collect myself. I scratched Owlbert's chest as he landed on my shoulder. "Time to head home, buddy."

I hurled my bag of junk through the door behind Owlbert. I watched Ma dive on top of the junk pile as King dug through it, finding a teddy bear I had picked up. He was such a cutie.
"Hey Luz, think fast." I tossed a muffin in her direction. "Thought you might like some human food for once." She smiled and thanked me before scoffing it down.
"oh I haven't had real food in forever!"
"Hey what you reading?" Luz looked up at me and held out a pamphlet.
"part of our welcome pack for Hexside," she cheered. "You haven't read it yet?" I shrugged my shoulders at here.
"Do I really need to?" I asked. "I already know what track I'm entering and I know my way around. What's the point in reading?"
"Hey Kid, your trash pile is getting cold," Ma called out not gaining Luz's attention. "While mine's getting hot!" Ma pulled out a wire triangle and looped it on her ear. "I have never seen such and extravagant earring."  I raised my eyebrow up at Ma.
"That's a coat hanger," I sighed. "Speaking of, Luz I got my hands on a couple new studs, you want another hole in your head?" Luz looked at me funny.
"uh no thanks. Mum would kill me." I shrugged my shoulders.
"Suit yourself. I'm thinking another helix on my right ear!" Ma was judging too. I'm pretty sure it's because I do them myself, but still.
"Don't schools have a rule against certain piercings in this realm?" I shrugged my shoulders at Luz.
"Who cares? I'm gonna go stab my ear with a hot needle, Byeee!"

I came back down with a cold cloth on my ear, it stopped the burning. That's all I needed.
"How many's that?" Ma questioned.
"uh... three on my right, two on the left... do we count my nose? It's pretty much closed over now days." Ma shook her head at me.
"I wish you'd get them done properly instead of searing a hole into ya head." I chuckled guiltily at her.
"It's cheaper this way. Hey where's Luz?" Ma took the cloth from my head to check my ear.
"gone to get a book back from some Amity kid," Ma replied. "At least you get them straight." She put the cloth back to my head moving my hand to hold it again.
"once it cools down I'll heal it up properly." Ma still wasn't impressed.
"I'm gonna start on lunch, can you get some of the cleaning done?" I nodded. A circle near my ear got it healed up in no time before I started with the sweeping.

"Since when do we have peaceful domestic moments in this place?" I asked myself, cleaning up after Ma's start to cooking.
"You'll jinx it," Ma sighed. "You have kids long enough you learn not to mention it. Something will happen. It always does."
"I would have thought, after kids, the quiet would be suspicious." Ma shrugged her shoulders.
"there's different levels of quiet. But yes. Especially with you." Ma went to reach for a potion she prepped for 'making lunch easier'. I'd like to see that work but...
"See, Mel? Ruined" we watched Luz stumble over her feet and fall through the kitchen door.
"You have to teach me a new spell right now!" Ma went back to her cooking, cracking her knuckles.
"sorry Luz. These vegetables won't cook themselves... yet." Ma poured her potion over the vegetables then told them to get in the pot. I raised my eyebrow as all the vegetables came to life... and ran away screaming. "Why do I always think that's gonna work?"
"is that why we always seem to run it of fresh produce?" I asked, dumbfounded by the sight.
"But I need to know two spells to get into decent classes at Hexside." I nodded along with Luz. I didn't even read the info pack they gave me and I knew that. "I can make light glyphs but at the end of the day, that's the only spell I know."
"and whose fault is that?" Ma scolded. I raised my eyebrows at Ma. Was she serious?
"Yours!" Luz came back at her.
"Ha! Yep! Got the me there!" Luz begged and pleaded to be taught anything new, even the darkest of magic. Ma tried to argue that she was too busy to teach Luz. Truth was, she didn't know how to. Neither of us had figured out how Luz managed to learn the light glyph to begin with. How were we meant to help her learn new ones?
"Come on Eda! You're the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles," Luz argued. "How would it looks if your apprentice got thrown in the baby class?"

Melody's Whispers (discontinued for a rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now