Troublesome Cutie

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Ma had mentioned we'd set the date a week or so ago to me, Principal Bump too.
"You're not gonna dress up?" Ma questioned, leaning on the doorframe to my room. I turned my head to her as I finished braiding my hair. River waited patiently on my dresser, all she wanted was to perch on my shoulder again. "BQ's kinda excited about your idea, wouldn't wanna disappoint."
"I still have to attend my afternoon classes, Ma... Bump made that very clear." I told her, smoothing my flyaways down with gel. "This arrangement with the Bat Queen, though... I get I was lucky to be to carve River myself, but just think of the palisman who lost their owners in one way or another... to give them a friend... come here," I held my hand out to River who chirped happily at me, using my hand as a means to my shoulder. "You're the cutest."
"You wanna hurry Luz along, or should I?" Ma asked as we walked out of my room together. Passing Luz's room, she was solely focused on the echo mouse. Still in her pyjamas looking like she'd barely gotten any sleep the last two nights... coz she hadn't. Ma told me the previous night Luz stayed up most of the night switching between pacing her room muttering to herself and pressing her face to the converted fish tank she was keeping the echo mouse in. The two off us watched through the cracked open door.
"Nah, I think you can handle it," I told her. Ma nodded and gave me a little time to get down the stairs, we knew what would happen as soon as Luz was told what was happening today. "Alright... guess you won't be getting a magic staff with your classmates-." Ma barely finished her sentence. Luz rocketed through the house, changing into her uniform, and down the stairs, barely missing me at the bottom.
"Jeez, watch where you're going," I scolded.
"Come on! We gotta fly!" Luz cheered running through the door. She could barely contain her excitement.

I stood with Ma, picking dirt from under my nails. I hadn't bothered repainting them so they looked kinda gross.
"You know, Edalyn, I never thought you'd think up something like this." Bump told Ma from behind his desk. "I'm impressed."
"Thanks, but that's because I didn't," Ma corrected. "This is all Mel." She wrapped her arm around my shoulders and gave me a squeeze. "Ah, isn't my girl a genius?"
"Ma, seriously, stop." I groaned. I fixed my braids back over my shoulder with a sigh. "I just figure, if I get to have my own palisman, there's gotta be a way for others to have one. I heard Bat Queen provides a safe haven for lost and forgotten palisman. Students don't have to miss out on getting a staff and palisman get a second chance at a loving life. Two crows, one stone." I turned to the window that looked over the grudgeby field. Bat Queen had already set her nest up ready for us. "And I have the skills to repair them for whoever needs it after school."
"Where do you get your compassion? It's certainly not from Edalyn here." I turned my head back to Bump then to Ma as she scratched the inside of her ear with her pinky finger.
"hmm? I'll have you know, I raised my daughter right and-."
"I get my love of palisman and craftsmanship from my grandad." I cut Ma off. It's more passion over compassion." I held River in my hand with a smile, touching my nose to her beak. "Come on, we can't let the class wait too long."

It was kinda the agreed upon thing to have River and Owlbert on display as part of their staff. Luz's class stopped chatting amongst themselves as the three of us approached. I scanned the group, I couldn't see Amity, I wasn't particularly surprised. A little disappointed, but not surprised. Bump greeted the class.
"Hey Princey B, gotta keep this moving if I'm gonna have any chance at making my music comp class." I told him stepping forward. "Sure yeah, it's a momentous day for you all. You're getting magic staffs and meeting your palisman." Everyone looked so excited.
"this is a crucial step in your magical development." Bump stepped forward again. "Palisman are lifelong partners. They can become both your good friend and a powerful tool. In my case..." Bump snapped his fingers. His palisman opened its mouth. Bumps hair is ankle length, I would never have guessed that. His palisman would normally sit with its mouth over Bumps eyes, perched on his shoulders. "Frewin here helps me see." The scar over Bumps right eye extended up into his hairline and down to his cheek, his left eye stitched shut.
"Welp... never expected that." I muttered to myself as he fondly scratched at his palisman's cheek.
"Traditionally, witches your age carve their staffs from the branch of an old Palistrom tree," I said. "If I wasn't lucky enough to have a master in the family who saved pieces of these trees for his future grandkids, I probably wouldn't have River here."
"Wait, he did that for you?" I turned my eyes up at Ma and nodded.
"Either way... Sadly, Palistrom Trees are rare, and those that remain are heavily guarded." I sighed.
"that's why we've teemed up with Bumpipoo-."
"Never call me that," Bump cut Ma off.
"we've teamed up with Bump and Bat Queen to create something special." I said bringing the conversation back on track. Bat Queen perched herself on top of the nest with a smile.
"It's Palisman adoption day!" I'll admit the palisman she selected to be apart of this were pretty darn cute. It was agreed she would speak to each individual Palisman and only bring them if they were willing to try having a master again. The class gushed over them. "What a wonderful idea, such a passionate young one you have Owl Lady." Ma and Bat Queen spoke among themselves.
"Please know," I spoke up. "I'll be here after school tonight with all my things. I'm well trained in repair works. If you AND your palisman agree, I will teach you how to fix any odd crack or damage to your new friends." My eyes caught a small red bird escaping the nest, he had a certain character about him. "Hey little one, we'll have none of that, okay?" The little red bird chirped up at me before turning its head to River. The pair looked each other up and down before singing together. "Well, aren't you a pair of cuties, alright back you go."

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