Eternal Youth and a Good Book

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I took the day off to take in the relative silence. And to get over the case of the common mould. My head pounded, I'd already gaged Hooty for talking too loud. I don't think he appreciated that much... I'd asked nicely once. That was enough for me. I wasn't missing out on much, there was a book fair happening in the square, we wouldn't have many customers anyways. I sipped at my tea and wiped the gunk from my nose. All sorts of funky crap crusted up the side of my face.
Em: hey you guys not selling today?
I raised my eyebrow at my Penstagram messages.
Mel: Ma should be there with Luz and King. Maybe they gave up for the day.
Em: what about you? Where are you?
I groaned a bit with more gunk dropping from my nose, did I really wanna tell her I was covered in snot?
Mel: I caught the Mold.
I'm at home resting.
Really I'm fine.
Don't worry about me.
Multiple lines probably didn't help my case.
Em: you want me to bring you anything?
Mel: No thanks, truely I'm okay. Run down. But okay. Beside if the stand isn't up Ma and the others should be home soon.

I watched from the couch curled up in my blanket nest as Luz and King burst through the front door. They didn't question why Hooty had been silenced.
"This is the best!" Luz cheered. "Mel! King and I are gonna wrote a book together for a writing competition!" I held my head with my hand as I lifted it from my nest.
"Keep it down... or you might find out what I did to Hooty for being so loud." Luz turned her head back to Hooty and shuddered she wasn't gonna argue. "Do what you want I just ask you keep it down... okay?"
"we're gonna create blood shed!" King cheered from Luz's shoulder.
"Uh huh. Have fun... let me sleep. I'm a sleepy song bird."

"why are you lot so loud this morning?" I groaned as Ma slammed the door open, calling for Luz to come down stairs. Ma had her cloak on, the one with holes from boiling rain. She also held a glowy scroll, maybe a map. I didn't care.
"hey what's up, boss lady?" Luz said coming down stairs.
"I'm popping out for a few days to an undisclosed place to do undisclosed things," Ma told her. Nope not suspicious at all. "You're in charge." Luz was happy with that. "No questions."
"Okay," Luz said with her smile.
"I said no questions." I raised my eyebrow at Ma as she pointed at me. "You're coming with. Get your cloak."
"Fat chance," I groaned as I wiped my nose. Ma grabbed my arm and pulled me out of my blanket nest. Telling me to change and get my cloak.
"some fresh air will do you good. Hooty probably gave you the sick anyways." I wouldn't argue with that, I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest.

Wrapped in my warmest cloak, I picked away crust from my eyes as we flew together through the forest.
"You're gonna have to tell me what's happening here. Why the urgency. The why and what in general." Ma leant forward on her staff. "I'll turn back now. I'd rather be at home in my blankets."
"over heard Lily call me old and frail. Gotta prove her wrong. She got her hands on a map to the Bloom of Eternal Youth. I'm gonna save it from the likes of her and Belos." I raised my eyebrow at Ma.
"so this is just about proving to Aunt Lilith you're not a tired old bitty?" I summarised. "And you decided you needed the help of your much younger and not to mention sick, daughter?"
"pretty much sums it up."
"you're nuts." I rubbed my face clean again and took in the air. It was the first time all day I had been able to breathe somewhat freely. "I'll admit. The breeze is nice." Ma pointed downward.
"We'll land here."

We spend the afternoon just following the map across the Isles. Felt a bit like we were going in circles.
"are you sure the guy who gave you this map isn't scamming you?" I sighed cutting down vines. "Mean It wouldn't be the first time."
"Eh, I figure there's a fifty-fifty chance," Ma replied. "It's getting dark. We should rest up." Ma brought snacks and at least the weather was nice. The fire was nicer though. I leant on Ma's shoulder with her arm around me. "If you give me your sick, I really will be a tired old bitty." Ma laughed. I smiled lightly barely able to keep my eyes open. She place her hand on my forehead. "You don't have a fever this time. You're fine."
"exhausted though." I groaned. "But you're right the fresh air has done me some good." With dozy eyes I watched the dancing flames against the night. "It feels like forever since we've done something like this. I enjoy this stuff." Ma smiled down at me and ran her fingers through my knotted hair.
"Why do you think I made you come?" Ma kissed the top of my head. "I know a lot of my time is being spent with Luz and King. They're just so-..."
"Green. Soft. Fragile. Too cute for their own good." Ma chuckled at me and held me tighter. "I'm not wrong."
"you're also a kid though... but when did you start growing up?"
"Sometime between becoming a criminal and suddenly having a human sister." Ma laughed at me and laid us down.
"you start school soon, promise me you'll actually do teenage crap, yeah? Have fun with it." I nodded into Ma's shoulder. "Stop growing up."

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