Virtually Obvious

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    "Come on, Mel, please." I pulled a face as I drank the elixir in one gulp.
    "Titan, this shit's bad..." I groaned to myself before turning to Luz. "I've already got plans to hang out with Em today, Luz." I stretched my arms out with a yawn. "We're getting Ed semi decent for his date tonight." I tied my hair back out of my face. "He needs all the help he can get... apparently. Honestly I don't even know this person. I just hope they don't stand him up like at Grom."
    "Oh come on, Mel. I need a library card to visit Amity..." her eyes widened as her face went red. "I-I'm gonna ask her to help me! I gotta know what that old human donated. It could help me get home." It was cute how flustered she'd gotten.
    "and you think I have a card? No, I use Em's." I tightened the laces of my boots with a sigh. "Willow or Gus would be able to help you, wouldn't they?" Luz shrugged her shoulders.
    "Willow's still kinda beat up after that pixie incident yesterday." Luz told me
    "Right, yeah I heard about that." I sighed. "Didn't Gus make them mad or something?" Luz nodded at me. "Then, maybe Gus will need cheering up. If I made a bunch of pixies mad enough to hurt a friend, I'd be pretty bummed out."
    "You're overly insightful today." Luz sounded sceptical.
    "I've been working on the empathy thing. Em's been helping with that." I did a quick tidy of the kitchen as Luz made her decision to go see Gus. "By the way Luz. You're not the only one Ed talks to. He recons you're being entirely too blushy around his little sister." I giggled at her bright red complexion. "No one's secrets are safe around here. I'll tell Ma you have a crush. It's only fair after you told her and Aunt Lily I asked Em out." I didn't know Luz was capable of getting any redder until then. I chuckled at her. "Best get myself moving, Byee!"

    "Ed, you're hopeless," I sighed, slapping his picking hand away from his face. Em agreed.
    "You'll just make it worse," she scolded, fixing his hair. "I think you need to learn a thing or two about skin care."
    "Oh come on, I doubt Mel has a full skin routine and she has perfect skin all the time. I don't need to learn anything." Em and I raised our eyebrows at Ed's argument. "You too are scary similar, have I told you that?"
    "I wash my face with three different cleansers just to stop the dirt from clogging up my face," I corrected. "You have no idea how much dirt gets into the house... even with daily cleaning. Hooty's so gross. Trust me, skin care is one thing Ma really drilled into me." I smirked at myself, thinking about what Ma used to say.
    "what's that face for?" Em questioned.
    "Just thinking about what Ma used to tell me." I fixed up a stray hair and slapped Ed's hand again as he went to pick. "She always said, 'it takes effort to look this dang hot.'" I chuckled to myself. "I'm sure I've heard it a million times." Em chuckled to herself and hung her arm over my shoulders.
    "Either way, I think this calls for a trip to the library. You're gonna need all the skin care tips you can find." I slumped my shoulders at Em's idea. "You don't wanna join?"
    "I already told Luz I wasn't going there today." my eyes drew to my reflection in the mirror. "Eh, you know she's going there to hang out with Amity, right?" Both twins turned to me with grins. "Now, am I right in thinking those two have a crush on each other? Ed did say Luz was being really blushy the other day. And I've noticed Amity goes red at every mention of Luz's name." they both chuckled at me.
    "Yes we believe that's true," Em confirmed. "You're such a cutie." I went red as she pecked my cheek.
    "Awh, Sis, really? Here?" Ed complained. "Go do that in private. I don't need to be part of this."
    "For one, you never leave us alone," Em reminded with that sassy teasing tone of hers. "And two, we're in my room, dingus." Em took my hand a pulled me to the door. "Come on, we gotta sus out our sisters."

We watched Luz nervously approach the kid's corner where Amity had been reading all afternoon. It was cute how she read to kids. It's one way to pass down your passions.
    "hey Luz." Both twins said together from behind. Luz jumped with a little embarrassed squeak.
    "uh... hey guys. You picking up Amity?" The three of us smirked between ourselves, come on she made this one easy.
    "Nah, looks like you got that covered." Em said with a grin.
    "I'm looking for skincare tips. I have a date tonight." Ed said, trying to make it less obvious we were sussing the girls out.
    "Oh? Why don't you use some of the stuff Mel has?" Luz questioned. "That stuffs amazing."
    "He's also got a much fairer complexion than us," I grumbled. "Wait. You're the soap thief? Huh, here I was thinking Hooty was drinking it or something... that stuff's expensive, and I really don't wanna be locked up for stealing soap." Em giggled under her breath at my comment.
    "He needs all the help he can get. So we're searching for something more suited for his skin." Nice one Em.
    "He accidentally messaged a poem to this person's mum, so yeah. He needs help." I added.
    "Please, stop telling people that." Ed sighed, embarrassed. Em and I couldn't help but laugh.
    "Are they bothering you?" Em leant on me with her arms crossed, a soft smile on her face. Luz flinched with wide eyes, holding her notebook tight to her chest. Oh yeah, Luz had a crush.
    "Oh. No. I just came here to see you... and uh... here you are." Both girls went red in the face. I nudged Em's side and gestured with my head implying we had to leave. Em, in turn, nudged Ed. Em let out a gasp.
    "Edric, your face, it's exploding with horrific pustules." I couldn't help but laugh at the dramatics.
    "Oh no." Ed replied sarcastically before he went serious. "W-wait. Is it really?" I rolled my eyes at the two of them.
    "we have to fix it before your date or you'll get dumped!" She stuck to her guns, had to admire that, but Ed was actually worried about his face now.
    "Come on you two." I grabbed them by the shoulders and turned them away from the girls. "Good luck finding that old human's stuff, Luz."

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