Healing Time

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    "Would you just sit down and rest, for Titan sake." I rolled my eyes at Aunt Lilith. She had nowhere to go. We were being good family members. She was kinda a treasonous criminal now, like us. I rubbed at my aching knuckles as I packed up my school bag. "Edalyn doesn't want you going to school for a bit, Melody."
    "what am I supposed to do?" I snapped, my hair flicking around hard enough to slap me in the face. "I just want a sense of normality back." She took my bag from my hands and set it down on the table.
    "You're injured. A day and a half isn't long enough to recover, you should know that by now." I slumped down on the couch with my arms crossed over my chest. "That bruise on your head is getting worse too."
    "Jeez, I wonder why, my darling Aunty, whom I love so very dearly." Aunt Lilith rubbed the back of her head with a guilty look about her, hearing my sarcastic tone. "How could you be so stupid to not even consider Emperor Belos was lying about healing Ma's curse? Did you really feel so guilty that all common sense went south?" I flinched as a shooting pain stabbed at my ribs. Crossing my arms over my chest.
    "I know a thing or two about healing magic, can you just let me take a look? You fell from River at high speeds and it wasn't a short fall."
    "I wouldn't have fallen if I wasn't ambushed or being chased," I growled lowering my arms, allowing Aunt Lilith to poke around my ribs. She believed me to have cracked one. I wasn't overly surprised. Aunt Lilith sent me upstairs to rest.

I scrolled my Penstagram before hitting my messages.

    Mel: Hey guys... I don't think I'll be at school for a while... I don't really wanna talk about what happened with the whole petrifaction ceremony thing... can you take notes for me at school and drop off any assignments so I don't fall behind?
    Ed: WHAT?! But classes are boring without you! Come back to school!
    Mel: can't with a broken rib. I'm more bruises than witch right now. It's not a pretty sight.
    Ed: Yeah we watched the live broadcast. Are you okay?
    Mel: you mean aside from a massive concussion and broken rib, right? I can't stand being stuck at home. Hooty and Aunt Lilith are guarding all exits so I don't leave. I'm gonna try and get a little sleep. All I wanted to know is if you guys would drop me my homework. It would be appreciated thank you.

Em left the group on read. My heart sank. I didn't know if I should message her privately or not. I looked up at the light knock at the door.
    "Yeah?" I called. Aunt Lilith opened the door with a tray of food and a hot tea. And a few books from downstairs.
    "I noticed you didn't eat breakfast." She sat everything down on my lap. "You should eat breakfast." I stared down at the food in front of me. "Do you not like griffin eggs? There's not much else right now."
    "Stop trying," I told her. "You're coming off overbearing." I poked at the griffin eggs with the fork. "I don't usually eat in the morning... and we keep things like this for Luz, she can't eat a lot of our food. Human food is really different to ours." I didn't look up from the food. "But thank you. Ma raised me a lot of things... ungrateful isn't one of them."
    "you look down. Do you need to talk to someone about it?" I quickly took a bite of the eggs. I wouldn't talk with my mouth full. "I get it, sorry. I wouldn't wanna talk with me either."
    "I've spent my whole life running from you. Don't blame me for not being particularly open about my private life. I'm just bummed out about taking more time off school. It's the only time I get to see her- er... my friends that is."
    "I'm back!"
    "That's nice, Luz!" I called back to her. I heard her dropping her shopping in the kitchen before she walked up the stairs. She held a new potion for me to try.
    "Morton said to try this one for the concussion, it should also help with any pain." I thanked her, taking the bottle from her.
    "can't be worse than the elixir," I sighed throwing the contents down my throat. It really wasn't too bad. "Thanks Luz. You've been amazing." I set the tray  aside and pulled myself up, stretching my arms. "Come get some sun with me."

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