In the Mist Lies the Truth

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    "Hey, look this is just what works for me, okay? It may not work for you." Ma was talking to someone over the crow. "Mean you can try, but... look I can't guarantee anything. You're better off talking with her yourself." I shrugged my shoulders she'd been talking to whoever for a while. I took the chance to take a hot steaming shower and wash my hair. After a while, Ma began banging at the door. "Come on Mel! Don't use all the hot water, would you?!" Ma growled.
    "I'm just getting out, calm down." I called out, ringing my hair out into the tub. "Jeez, what's got your stockings in a twist?" I opened up the door in my bathrobe and towel just holding my hair up to dry. Ma closed the door behind me with a sigh. She looked stressed out. I shrugged my shoulders and returned to my room.

My little arms clung tight around Ma's waist, hidden under her cloak to protect me from the boiling rains. We landed on the beach of a stray island. The tree cover was too dense to fly any further inland. We were just looking for a place to wait out the rains. The rains began to burn holes in the cloak. She hoisted me on her back and began running to find some cover, my hair burning a little at the ends which poked out from the hooded cloak she'd put over my shoulders.
    "Mama." I pointed out to a tower standing in front of us. She nodded and ran for it. Ma panted as she set me down inside. It was creepy, little stone statues everywhere. I clung tight to her dress. One hand gripped tight to her staff the other rested on my head. A scampering sound coming from behind us.
    "Who's there?! Reveal yourself!" She called before gasping.

I remember it so clearly in my dreams. I couldn't have been any older than eight.
    "Mel! Melody! King's done it again!" Ma called from downstairs. I could hear her scampering around, panicked. I let out a groan and changed into something I could do a long distance fly in and summoned River.
    "come on then. Let's get moving... before he hurts himself." I raised my eyebrows at Ma as she dragged the flying tub from the storage shed. It was one of her only options. It seemed like King had taken Luz, Aunt Lily and somehow even Hooty with him. Luz had taken Owlbert. "Seriously? Just fly on River, it'll be faster."

My cloak hung over my shoulders keeping me warm as the breeze blew through us. It always seemed that little bit colder out here. It wasn't a short trip. It was beginning to get dark and we were barely half way. Ma didn't enjoy being a back seat flyer. And I'd bet she didn't like my hair in her face. My eyes began to drop.
    "Mel, you need to rest." I shook my head and continued on. "Mel you can't continue to push yourself. I'll need you rested when we get there. Land on that tiny island. I'll take over for the last haul." I didn't enjoy the thought of anyone flying River for me. But it wasn't like I could argue with her, she wasn't wrong, I did need to stop and rest.
    "River, behave yourself." I warned as we landed, "Ma, behave yourself." We took off again, I held tight to Ma, knowing she'd push River to go faster than I was going to. My eyes began to drop heavier. It almost reminded me of that night eight years ago. Much less scolding hot rain, thankfully.
    "It's gonna be harder to fight that thing this time 'round without my magic." I nodded, tired on Ma's shoulder. "Get some rest. We still have a fair distance to go."

I wish I could say I missed long flights but in truth, I hated them. A long flight always meant we were running from something. I hadn't been back to this place since I was eight. I barely knew where I was headed. King had disappeared to return here before but Ma had always been right on his tail and caught up to him before he'd made it inside. This time we had no idea how long King had been gone... and since we figured Luz, Aunt Lily and somehow Hooty were with him... we couldn't ignore what could happen.
    "You're gonna have to tell him eventually." I grumbled rubbing my eyes. Ma kept her eyes laser focused. "If you don't this time 'round... I will. I remember that night well. He was so little and cute. My best pay buddy."
    "You were little and cute, too." Ma added. her eyes not wavering. "I'll tell him. He deserves to know. I just... don't wanna break his heart. It started out as such a cute game between the two of you."

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