8. (Lothlorien Pt.3)

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Later that night, after the evening meal, Lady Galadriel requested a private audience with me. Celriana had laid out a soft purple dress for me to change into. My battered training tunic and boots were nowhere near appropriate to wear before the Lady.

I met Galadriel in her courtyard as most called it. She wore a light pink dress but she was still beautiful even in a less formal state.

"You wished to see me?" I said looking into the open area. She stood before a pedal stool with a bowl on it.

"Yes, young one, come closer. How has your last week been? I hope Lorien has been a breath of fresh air for you."

"It is amazing. My father and brothers' stories didn't do it justice."

"Such is with the other Elven realms, their beauty is often indescribable until one sees it for themselves." She paused and silence surrounded us.

"Maethriel, I have seen that the fellowship will leave within the next week. Have you discussed continuing with them?"

"No, I have not my Lady. I had hoped that after training with Legolas, I would have a better argument to stand on. Our initial agreement was that I would continue until they reached a settlement. I feel I must prove myself to them to remain in the fellowship."

"Celeborn and I are meeting with Aragorn tomorrow to discuss his path after you leave our borders. I will mention my advice to him." Great, that means I have to ask tonight. But how? I could ask Aragorn separately and then rate his reaction before asking the others.

"I brought you here for another reason Mae. I have decided to offer you the opportunity to look into my mirror." What is so special about her mirror?

"What does your mirror show?" She started to pour some water into the basin.

"It shows things that were, things that are, and things that have not yet happened. Not even I can predict what one sees when they look into the water. I control who looks upon the knowledge the Valar have given us. You are special Maethriel; I know you have an important destiny ahead of you. Perhaps, this can show you just that."

"I'm not sure my lady. I fear I may not like what I see."

"That is always the risk. The decision is ultimately yours." She said stepping back. I thought about it. The things it could show me started running through my head, the past, present, or even the future. I stepped up to the mirror and the water was still. I took a deep breath in and put my face into the water.

The water rippled around me and I saw many images flashing: my mother, my father, my brothers, Galadriel, Haldir, Aragorn, Gandalf, and finally ending on Legolas's face.

Now the water shifted so it was as if I watching things unfold below me from the sky.


There was rain and thunder all around, the sky pitch black and unforgiving. I looked down and saw a massive army of Orcs marching on a fortress of stone. Four figures stood out among the army on the fortress' outer wall, Legolas, Gimili, Aragorn, and... me. There was silence and a strong sense of impending doom in the air. Then with a flash of lightning the Orcs charged.


"Mae, allow me to tend to your wound. The longer you wait, the worse it may get!" I woman with long blonde hair and sad blue eyes pleaded with my future self. I saw a wound on my upper thigh and my face and clothes were covered with blood.


I saw a small army of men gathered before a large gate made of black metal. The gate started to open and I saw the eye...the eye of Sauron, looking down on the group. They were faceless and obviously outnumbered.

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