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Chapter 16:

The next day, I migrated back into the group of people riding next to Freda and her brother. Throughout the morning, she ended up riding in front of me. According to Eowyn, she has become quite attached to me. I was thankful to be away from the king and his personal guards. Théoden was kind to my friends, but I did not like being with his company of guards the whole trip. Eowyn, however, seemed to be enjoying talking with Gimili just ahead of us.

"It's true, you don't see many Dwarf women. And in fact, they are so similar in voice and appearance that they're often mistaken for dwarf men. This has given rise to the belief that there are no dwarf women and dwarfs just spring out of holes in the ground" Eowyn's laughter echoed throughout the crowd.

"Which of course is ridiculous..." But before Gimili could finish his thought, his horse shot forward sending him backward onto the hard ground. I tried to stifle my laugh but failed.

"It's alright; nobody panic. It was deliberate. It was deliberate!" He said several times over. I rode up next to Aragorn who also was laughing at the dwarf's antics.

"Oh, Gimli." I said looking at the Ranger next to me.

"The dwarf knows how to make people laugh."

"That he does."

Several hours later, I saw two of the king's guards go ahead to where I knew Legolas was scouting. Arrogant men can't even trust an elf to scout. Hama was the worse of the two hence why I ignored him. Figuring the two would go ahead of Legolas out of overconfidence, I would go and talk to my elf.

"Mae, where are you going?" Gimili asked.

"To visit Legolas!" I said smiling at the dwarf.

"I think you did enough of that last night." He mumbled under his breath but I heard it. I narrowed my eyes at the dwarf briefly then realized he was teasing. I smiled trying to hide the creeping blush.

"I have no idea what you're talking about master dwarf." I said urging Arod forward.

Sure enough, when I crested the hill Legolas was standing just beyond it and he looked uneasy, his posture stiff.

"Legolas?" He looked back at me with a weary face.

"Get Aragorn, something is close." He said seriously. I sat still and listened as well. I heard nothing outside of our traveling caravan but the air had an unnatural chill to it. Tension could be felt in the wind.

"I'll be back." I said turning Arod around and searching for Aragorn.

"Aragorn, Legolas wishes for you to meet him. He is just beyond the first hill." I said pulling him away from Eowyn. I tried to be casual, not raising the alarm sooner than necessary.

"What is it Mae?" He asked

"There's something amiss, but neither of us can pinpoint it." I said looking at him.

"I'll tell the king. Draw your sword once you're back with Legolas." He ordered and I did as he asked.

I pushed Arod forward to meet Legolas just as I heard a scream and the sound of metal clashing. Legolas ran ahead quickly and drew his bow shooting something. As I reached the hill, Aragorn was right behind me.

"A scout!" Legolas shouted as he killed the Orc, its warg already lie dead by an arrow. Aragorn retreated over the hills alarming the people of the Warg's attack.

"Mae, please go with the women and children!" Legolas said looking up at me.

"No, we fight together!" I said as I followed him on Arod.

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