11. (Two Towers)

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Welcome everyone to the first chapter of the Two Towers! 

Maethriel's POV

I woke to the odd sensation of my head pressed against something cold and rough. I slowly managed to open my eyes and saw sunlight. However, also found myself against the back of an Orc or rather something resembling one. These creatures seemed much larger and had skin as black as ink. They seemed stronger and freely passed through both day and night. I tried to pull back only to find my hands bonded around the creature's neck. As a result, searing pain in my thigh kindly reminded me of my injuries. I looked down. They had left the arrow in but cut the shaft. I winced looking at it. Dark bloodstains fell down my leggings and fresh red blood oozed around the arrowhead thanks to my movement. I sighed. I was exhausted and losing blood. Let's pray to the Valar it's not poisoned or my days are limited.

Suddenly, the events of the attack hit me like a stonewall. Boromir was most likely dead. I shook the thought from my head only hoping he lives by some grace from above. Then there was Aragorn and Gimili. They only stayed in my focus shortly. He and Gimili were well-seasoned warriors. Frodo had most likely escaped due to the stupidity of Merry and Pippin. Lastly, there was Legolas, the elf that I have come to call my best friend. I missed him most of all right now and prayed he survived the battle as well. But I was snapped out of my thoughts as the Orc carrying me stopped. I looked around me and I couldn't see Merry and Pippin anywhere. I prayed the two hobbits were okay.

"The she-elf's awake." One spat obviously noticing my movements. They paused in their trot. Another came up to me and grabbed me by my throat.

"Stupid wench escaped once but won't be so lucky this time." He said squeezing harder. I felt weaker and spots filled my vision.

"Stop it! Leave her alone!" I heard Merry shout from behind me. Good, they're alive. He released his grip only at the command of another.

"Remember, master wants all three alive and unspoiled, especially the she-elf."

I couldn't hear anything else before I fell into darkness once again.

It may have been hours or days but I found myself thrown to the ground. I opened my eyes seeing Merry and Pippin crawled towards me.

"How long have I been asleep?" I asked trying to shift to take pressure off my leg.

"T'is our third day with them Mae. How is your leg?" Pippin said looking down my legs. I looked at Merry and saw a large gash on his forehead and he looked sickly pale. I felt grief wash over me. I couldn't protect them.

"It is only a throbbing pain when I don't move it but most likely infected by now." I said slightly sarcastically. But our brief time together was over.

"What is it? What do you smell?"

"Man flesh"

"They've picked up our trail. Move out scum!"

"Aragorn!" Pippin whispered.

"And with Aragorn, comes the others." Slight hope sent relief through my body.

It was now dark as we were thrown to the ground. I could easily hear the Orcs fighting over the lack of food and breaks. I shook my head at their petty questions at the leader, who eventually only ordered they build a fire.

Taking my attention elsewhere, I couldn't see the hobbits anywhere and prayed they weren't on the menu. I looked around and saw they congregated around something. Knowing this may be my only chance to escape; I reached into my boot and found my dagger. I slowly, and discretely as possible, cut the ropes around my ankles and then my wrists. I sighed in relief as I saw my opportunity to move my limbs. I stood only to fall back down in pain. I ripped a piece of my cloak and wrapped it just above the arrow in hopes of a brace. I tried putting weight on the leg only to be met once again by agonizing pain. But I had no choice. Endure the pain or die. I slowly crawled closer to the forest line. Once inside, I would be safe if I could make it that far. I heard the hum of horses galloping not too far off. A lot of horses. I tried to quicken my pace wincing and suppressing screams with each movement.

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