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Chapter 22:

We came to the base of the monstrous tower and saw whom I assumed was the leader of the Ents, Tree Beard. He stepped high and steady through the murky waters to greet us.

"Young Master Gandalf, I'm glad you've come. Wood and water, stock and stone, I can master; but there's a wizard here to manage locked in his tower." Tree Beard announced looking up towards the tall tower.

"Show yourself, you coward." Aragorn whispered.

"Be careful; even in defeat Saruman is dangerous." Gandalf corrected him.

"Then let's have his head and be done with it." Gimli stated. I agreed with the dwarf, this man is responsible for so many deaths.

"No! We need him alive." Gandalf quickly dismissed our thoughts. Everyone looked at him confused. Was justice not the reason we came?

"We need him to talk." He continued but silence crept into our group. I heard his footsteps on top of the tower and felt Legolas' arm tighten around me.

"You have fought many wars and slain many men, Théoden King, and made peace after that. Can we not take council together, my old friend, like we once did? Can we not have peace, you and I?" His voice was loud and carried down to us no matter the great distance between us. Soon he appeared at the edge. His white robes were torn and graying, with spots of black soot. His face held signs of many years in Middle Earth. His staff seemed to be his only support as he looked down upon our group. He looked like the defeated coward he was. After looking at the old wizard, my eyes turned to King Théoden. He surely would not be stupid enough to consent to his madness.

"We shall have peace...when you answer for the burning of the Westfold, and the children that lie dead there! We shall have peace when the lives of the soldiers, whose bodies were hewn even as they lay dead against the gates of the Hornburg are avenged!" the King looked up to Saruman, his eyes filled with pure hatred.

"When you hang from the gibbet, for the sport of your own crows! We shall have peace when you pay for the death of my son!" I saw tears filling the king's eyes as he spoke.

"Gibbets and crows. Fool!" Saruman shouted and he turned his attention to Gandalf.

"What do you want Gandalf Greyhame? Let me guess: the key of Orthanc, or perhaps Barad-Dur itself? Along with the crowns of the seven Kings and the Rods of the Five Wizards?!" The wizard sounded disgusted but he should think the same of himself first.

"Your treachery has already cost many lives, Saruman. Thousands more are now at risk, but you can save them. You were deep in the enemy's council." Gandalf did not seem angered as the rest of us did. He remained calm as he spoke to his former friend.

"So you have come here for information. I have some for you." Saruman knew he held the advantage now. He could buy his freedom with the knowledge we sought. He smiled as he reached into his robes and pulled out a dark orb that started to glow orange. The wizard's lips were moving but I heard nothing.

"Maethriel," I looked around for the source of the voice for it was none of our company or Saruman. No one dared move, let alone speak besides the wizards.

"Maethriel," I tensed and scanned the area once more, this time it was raspier, almost like a hiss.

"Join us. We know your past and future." My eyes widened. It had to be Sauron talking to me. I put my hands to my ears and mumbled some of the peaceful elvish phrases I often heard my father say to calm his thoughts. But the menacing voice continued.

"I can assure you have the future you saw in the mirror if you only help me gain what is rightfully mine. Where is the Halfling?"

"No!" I said shaking my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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