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The next afternoon, Legolas, Aragorn, and I went for a ride just to get out of the city. My eyes saw something on the horizon, a black horse carrying what looked like two children.

"Legolas" He looked in the same direction and soon pushed his horse in that direction. I followed as well on my own borrowed mare.

"What is it?" Aragorn asked as we rode after him.

"Two children on a horse." We drew closer and saw that there was an older boy holding a younger girl. We reached them as the boy gave into exhaustion. Aragorn pulled the boy up while Legolas pulled their steed.

I pulled the little girl into my lap and she clung to me tightly.

"It's okay, little one. I will not leave you." I said as I wrapped an arm around protectively her as we made for Edoras.

I carried the little girl, who was now asleep, up the stairs of the Great Hall and into the dining area where they had several bowls of food waiting for us. I sat down with the girl on my lap and shook her gently.

"Eat some soup little one, I have water too." I said softly. She took a couple of bites and I saw her smile happily and eat more.

"They had no warning and were unarmed. Now the wild men are moving through the Westfold, burning as they go. Rick, Cot, and Tree." Eowyn said bitterly as she wrapped a blanket around the boy.

"Where is momma?" The little girl asked me when her soup was gone.

"Shhh little one. You will see her again soon. Let's get you to bed, you must be exhausted." I said picking her up. I hated lying to the child but she was scared and needed reassurance that things were going to be okay.

"Mae, let a maid take the girl." Eowyn said softly, motioning for one of the ladies to come forth.

"I don't mind." I honestly empathized with the girl. She lost her home but at least she still had her brother. I walked with her to a room Eowyn had laid out for the children. With the maid's help, we bathed her and gave her a fresh clean dress. I brushed her hair and then braided it into an elvish style. She lay down on the small cot and she looked up with a curious face.

"You're an elf!" She said excitedly touching my ears.

"Yes, I am. I am from Lorien which is north of here." I explained.

"Daddy didn't like elves though. He said they didn't help much when he went to battle."

"Well, I'm helping you aren't I?" I said smiling as I tucked her in. The maid chuckled softly as she drained the tub.

"Thank you, lady elf. I am happy you are here with me."

"Call me, Mae. What's your name little one?"

"Freda." She said yawning.

"Sleep well little Freda." I said humming a lullaby.

She was asleep not long after that. I brushed the hair out of her face and smiled. I stepped out of the room and the maid followed me.

"You're good with children milady. Do you have any of your own?" I looked at her for a moment until the question clicked.

"No, but I will someday, I hope." I said smiling thinking of my vision. Freda reminded me of my possible future daughter. That entire vision was very realistic now if we succeed.

"You will be a good mother. Thank you for your aid this evening." She said bowing and walking off towards the working rooms.
"Thank you."

I returned to the halls and Gandalf was talking to Théoden. I stood next to Legolas and he took my hand with an encouraging squeeze.

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