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Chapter 20:

We entered the room and I paused. I was truly anxious about this conversation. His recent actions seem to show he has accepted the fact that I am a peredhil, but will he still wish to be with me? I went to ready cloth and a basin of water while he pulled off his armor and cloak. The cut was much worse than it looked outside. It was long, deep, and oozing blood.

"Does it not hurt?" I said as I put a small cloth on it with some pressure to stop the bleeding.

"The rush of battle is still in my system. It is probably masking the pain." I rolled up his sleeve but it did not go far enough.

"Here, this will make it easier." He said slipping his tunic and undershirt off. He sat before me, barechested, in just his leggings and boots. Elves do not see nudity as most races do but it did not keep me from shying away at first.

"Maethriel," I slowly looked back. He took my hand and held it over his heart I saw my immortality necklace glow against his chest at our direct contact. It had never glowed before now. 

"I was foolish, Mae. Yes, you hid things but you had good reason too. I should have accepted it without question of you. The heart does not judge by deeds, race, or heritage. I overreacted and for that, I am dearly sorry, but I needed time to process. In the days I separated myself from you, I realized two things. The events that occurred over the past months have been some of the darkest, most dangerous endeavors in my years. However, my time spent with you was the best my life has seen. My heart knew that I could never turn my back on you. My mind needed some provoking to accept that the Valar made you as unique and amazing as you are for a reason. I subconsciously kept your necklace because I hoped it would one day truly be mine, whether I deserved it or not." He unclasped it and handed it to me. I looked at it in my hand. It had stopped glowing, returning to its original cold metalled state. I smiled before reaching back over and hanging it around his neck. I said nothing at first until it started glowing again.

"It is yours, as is my heart." I whispered gently, putting my hand on his cheek. Then I felt his lips on mine. It seemed as though we had never kissed before. His touch set my entire body on fire and I felt reborn. My skin was a live current tingling at the faintest contact. I felt every touch amplified one hundred full. I opened my eyes to look at him. His eyes were wide with love and shock.

"You glow with the true light of the Eldar. You've made your choice." It was a statement, not a question. I looked down at my hands and saw the slight glowing hue on my skin. It was a trait of the elves that was only seen on rare occasions. I had only seen Legolas' skin glow in the light of the full moon and stars. I made my choice a long time ago, why does it show true now?

Suddenly, as if to answer my silent question, I felt my mind being touched by the Lady of Light.

"Young one, you have found love at last! Though your mind chose immortality centuries ago, your heart has found its eternal place with Mirkwood's Prince. He had to accept your gift for you to experience the true gift of the Valar. It brings me great joy in this time of darkness to know you have found happiness."

As quick as she came, she was gone. I blinked to see Legolas smiling before me. He leaned down kissed my temple one last time then held me close to him. 

After some time of peace between us, I decided I should actually tend to his wound before infection set in.

"It doesn't need stitches but I'll clean it and wrap it." I said as I turned my focus back to his arm.

"Spoken like a true healer."

"I had just begun shadowing my village's healer before the attack." I said adding a sprinkle of lavender petals to some warm water since I had no other herbs with me.

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