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Chapter 14:

Théodred's funeral was miserable to put it lightly. As I walked with Legolas behind Aragorn and Gimili, I saw tears falling from every single person's face we passed. I did not know the Prince of Rohan but his loss was obviously tragic to his people. As his body was placed in the tomb, Eowyn began singing. I could not understand her words but it was a lament of old in their ancient tongue for her lost cousin. It was some time before those gathered to honor the fallen, but eventually, only Theoden and Gandalf remained at the grave. Aragorn motioned to take our leave. We left the two men to speak and mourn in private.

The days were dark following the service. Few spoke many words and the king wallowed in loss and grief. The high court of Rohan was silent. I often stayed in my shared room as I read books from the king's library. Legolas would join me sometimes but for the most part, the city still lay in grief for their fallen prince. The king rarely left his own quarters unless an issue needed direct attention. I often heard sobs at night when most had turned in for the night. My heart hurt for the king, but I too knew loss. There was nothing any of us could do to ease his pain.

Finally, after nearly a week within the great hall, life began to return to its previous normal. With my leg completely healed, I approached Aragorn about training me with a blade. He was talking with Hama about something but excused himself to meet with me when he was done.

"What is it Mae?" He asked kindly.

"I wish to learn to handle my mother's sword. I have trained on a bow, now I must learn the blade. I know of no better teacher, you are the most skilled swordsman I know."

"Are you sure?" He raised an eyebrow.

"More than anything."

"Be on the training grounds at dawn tomorrow and do not take this lightly. Rangers do not take students often." I smiled ear to ear and hugged him.

"Thank you, Aragorn! You will not regret it."

"Don't thank me yet." He said with a grin. I swallowed hard. Oh great, what am I getting myself into? That night I sat with Legolas on the west wall watching over the plains. The moon was high and shining brightly over the land.

"Aragorn will teach me to wield my sword."

"Perhaps after a few days, we could spar. I would like to make sure the Ranger is doing his job proficiently." He said laughing towards the end. Legolas and Aragorn had such a strong friendship that was rare in these dark days. I honestly, would love to hear the story of how they met and such bonds were formed.

"I would love nothing less." I said putting my head on his shoulder.

We sat in silence for some time. He hummed tunes softly as he caressed my hand with his thumb. The night was perfect. I would not mind more nights like this. However, that little hopeful thought brought a slew of questions to my attention.

"So what is next? We're all here; we know Merry and Pippin are on their own adventure. What is Gandalf waiting for?" I asked softly. Legolas looked confused at my question but then answered.

"He is known as the wandering wizard to some. He usually does not stay in one place long. So, he is watching for something, a sign." It was a solemn tone as if he didn't want to think about the war. So I let my thoughts wander in hopes of a subject change. Names come to mind. Wandering Wizard. Strider. White Lady. They all had titles of endearment surrounding them and stories to back them.

"So do you have any other names or titles besides the Prince of Mirkwood?"

"In the common tongue, my name means Greenleaf, but no one calls me by that besides my parents and it was more when I was an elfling. My mother often called me her little Greenleaf. Then the obvious, Thranduilion, son of Thranduil, but that is more for formal introductions. I am also known as the Green Archer in Mirkwood among the Guard. It protects my identity as Prince should there be an enemy about."

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