chapter 8

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3 days after the incident

Rocky and Shiva conversation:

Rocky was doing his morning workout and Shiva came there and sat on the couch and watching continuously him whether he want to ask or not.then rocky ask Shiva :did shiva want to ask anything to him.

With hesitant he started the conversation

Shiva:bha...bhai I want to ask you something

Rocky:ok ask

Shiva:that I want to ask about that day noon with her

Rocky:which day...with whom...come straight to the point

Shiva:about the conversation with Ms Reena

Rocky:for asking this you take 3 days.Right?

Shiva:yes.. bhai what do you both talk after me left for the phone.

Rocky:nothing serious or big just me answer for her questions and she answer for my questions.

Shiva:bhai how you introduce yourself as Rocky or ansh.

Rocky:ofcourse ansh only.

Shiva:oh our goodness bhai we also say that name only.

Rocky: one more thing. Anytime we all can seen by her so maintain that I am here working as as blacksquad head for the whole family and don't forget to tell this to that three kids are they will definitely create problems OK

Shiva:definitely I will do that first bhai or else they will do anything that create problems which hurt you only

Rocky: what hurt me?

Shiva:nothing bhai that are watse to think.

Rocky:waste means just leave it don't take it serious or else it makes everything waste.

Shiva:ok bhai(in his thought how bhai I am going to make them to understand that you will not love anyone except chaitra. I am just praying to God to change your life and make you to move on your life. Everything is in God's hands)

Thinking this He started to left but rocky called him and said

Rocky: make arrangements for us to America we are going to a buissnesis trip after next week.

Shiva:ok bhai. Bhai.... Wait me also with confusion

Rocky:yes ofcorse you also

Shiva:bhai that mean you will come back to India right

Rocky:yes what is the dought

Shiva:nothing bhai I am happy

They have a conversation of business and they both leave to their respective rooms

Reena went to her hometown to spend her time with her parents.

Reena in her hometown.: Reena reached Mumbai airport and her dad is waiting for her and some media people also there.they get a glimpse of her and Reena bend down to her father's feet and get blessings and they hugged eachother .media took photos of this also.

Then they left airport and she reached home while her father left for a meeting.

she enter the house she saw her mother sitting in the pooja room closing her eyes then without making noise she sat infront of her.when Gayathri opened her eyes she saw her daughter after a long time infront of her.then the pooja finished and both stand and hugged eachother. then Gayathri broke the hug and said go and take rest .Reena :oh mom this is sweet of you.

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