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As soon as Hoseok heard the codeword, he started running towards, the VIP cellar, knocking the guard there out in a split second.

Hwasa watched it with wide eyes, also seeing how some guys around the club raised from their seats after someone started to shout something. It was pure chaos. Without knowing what exactly was going on, she followed the mob down to the cellar, passing the bulky man lying on the floor.

"Shit, shit, shit!", Hoseok cursed, sensing other men behind himself, about a handful of them.

"What is happening?"

He heard Taehyung's voice, who was clueless since he wasn't connected to Jungkook or Jimin's in ear.

"O.G.E purple said the emergency word", Yoongi answered, earning a glare from Wheein who tried to hack herself somehow into the building.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing?! Gyeol's wish was to protect his son, why the fuck do you send him into this mess???He was about to get out!"

Gyeol was holding his face in the backseat, before he called a number. He was on the phone, while the other two were bickering.

"He's my best friend, okay? he would never forgive me if I would keep something like this from him."

"He will neither when he's death!"

"He won't die just randomly."

"He's in the middle of a gang mob in a few seconds!"

Wheein elbowed the door frustrated, before she put the laptop away, taking her gun.

"Where the fuck do you go?"

"I go help them."

"No, you won't."

He locked the door from the inside.

"Yoongi! Open up for fucks sake! I'm a secret agent, get that in your fucking skull!"

"You can get hurt!"

"That's my job!"

"For fucks sake! They need people here as well, what if they need to flee? We should stay in the car! You know exactly how-"

Yoongi was shut up by Wheeins lips, who kissed him passionately, secretly unlocking the door again.

Before Yoongi who's mind was spinning even realized what happened, Wheein was out of the car.

Yoongi cursed and took his own weapon before he dashed out of the car.

Hoseok run around the corner, almost bumping into some customers there, who jumped to the side, dashing further, quickly hiding behind a door after he stormed into a room at the side, a changing room for dancers as it seemed. There were about four dancers inside, who all gasped, but held their mouth as they saw him signalling to be quiet.

He loaded his gun, waiting.

The door swung open suddenly, while Hoseok pressed himself against the wall behind the door.

"Was a guy in here? Dressed in black harness?"

"No", The girls all shook their heads in fear, before the man quickly went out again, yelling something incoherent to the others.

"Thank you ladies", Hoseok winked at them, peaking through the slightly open door, slipping out when there wasn't anyone in sight.

He run back, trying to memorize in which room Jungkook and Jimin would be.

Before he reached it, he bumped into someone, crashing with a chest. When he looked up, he saw professor Riju.

"Hoseok? What are you doing here?"

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