The Unfortunate Event

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"Have you heard? Jennica was transferred here because her father, the principal, was dismissed—apparently, she stirred up too much trouble at their last school," Mandy whispered as they neared the cafeteria.

"Look! That's her," Mandy pointed out. "And she's already forming her clique."

"With designer outfits and perfectly styled hair, I don't see why not?" Precious replied.

"It seems wealth attracts wealth," Mandy observed, noting Jennica's magnetic pull on a group of girls flocking to her table.

"Can't believe this! It's like a circus," Mandy commented, seeing more people joining the crowd at Jennica's table.

"Let's check it out," Precious suggested, leading the way as they weaved through the crowd surrounding Jennica's table.

Arriving at the table, they discovered an array of lipsticks in various hues and tints. Jennica was demonstrating her products, applying her lipsticks on eager volunteers.

"Behold, the rainbow lipstick," Jennica declared with a flourish. "Now, turn your head."

As the girl complied, the onlookers gasped in amazement. The lipstick's colour shifted dynamically—from red to orange, blue, or purple—depending on the viewing angle.

"Wow, this is incredible," the girl exclaimed, delighted with the effect.

"What's even more amazing," Jennica continued, "is its mixture consistency. It won't smudge on your teeth, stain your food, or come off even if you wipe it. Go on, give it a try."

The volunteer then ate a mouthful of spaghetti, promptly wiping her mouth with a napkin. To the astonishment of the crowd, the napkin came away with only the sauce, leaving the lipstick undisturbed.

The crowd murmured in astonishment, impressed by the demonstration.

"How much for one?" a curious girl inquired, eager to own the remarkable lipstick.

"$80," Jennica responded, presenting a sleek black box to the interested buyer.

"My gosh! Any chance of a discount?"

Jennica paused, considering the request. "Tell you what, buy two, and I'll throw in a lipstick from my other collection for free." She grinned

The girl hesitated. "That's tempting, but I'd have to skip meals for a week to afford it. Thanks, but I'll pass."

"Suit yourself," Jennica shrugged, her tone indifferent as she plucked the lipstick out of the girl's hands. "This product is for those who can appreciate its value." She said once more as she shooed the people away.

As the crowd thinned, only a handful remained, willing to buy Jennica's luxury lipstick.

Turning her attention to Precious, who was left standing with her best friend, Jennica greeted her with a sly smirk. "So, Precious, it's been a while."

"Clearly, you haven't changed," Precious retorted, arms crossed.

"Looks like you've toughened up. Got your minion in, too?" Jennica quipped.

"Minion? I'm her best friend," Mandy fired back, defending their bond.

"And I don't need underlings like you do," Precious added, standing her ground.

"Are you here to buy or just to chat? Because I really shouldn't be seen with you," Jennica said dismissively, trying to suppress the exploding anger inside of her, so, she just gave her most annoyed smile as Precious and Mandy turned to leave.

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