The Competition (Part 1)

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Mandy's skepticism was evident. "Are you out of your mind? Trying to compete with Jennica will backfire, plus I might get dragged into your ongoing feud."

"We don't even know if she's planning to sell her lipsticks," Precious countered, attempting to veil her true intentions.

"Don't bother hiding it," Mandy responded sharply. "You've already mentioned how students are interested in her homemade lipstick. Given your reputation, it's likely they'd side with Jennica if we both enter the market."

"Alright, but listen, Mandy," Precious urged, her tone persuasive. "I've seen what goes into Jennica's lipsticks, and I'm confident we can create something superior. She might have a grip on the student market, but there's a wider audience out there for us to captivate."

"We'll need to find suppliers first," Precious outlined the plan. "I'll search for bulk sellers online, and you can look for premium packaging that elevates our product."

"But Jennica's experience gives her an edge over us," Mandy pointed out, her doubts lingering.

"That's why we'll start small—enough stock for one day. Then, we'll pivot to selling sisig with our unique twist to keep costs down," Precious proposed.

"I'll start on the sisig then," Mandy conceded, finally coming around to the idea.

Once home, Precious dove into her search for lipstick suppliers on Facebook. Numerous options popped up, but one seller stood out, offering a variety of colours and types, along with custom packaging. Excited, Precious immediately contacted Mandy to share the discovery and sent the seller's details via Messenger.

"She's open to meeting us tonight to finalize the details. Can you make it?" Precious inquired, hoping to colour her voice.

"Sure, I'm free tomorrow, so I can stay up. Where's the meeting?" Mandy asked.

"At the Kettlebell," Precious confirmed, the plan coming together as they ventured into uncharted territory.

Mandy agreed with a nod. "Alright, let's meet there."

Closing her laptop, Precious left her house and made the short walk to the Kettlebell café. Upon entering, she ordered two frappuccinos—one for herself and one for Mandy—before scanning the café for the lipstick seller. In a quiet corner, she recognized the woman from her Facebook profile, albeit in a more casual attire of flip-flops and engrossed in her phone.

"Excuse me, are you the one selling lipsticks? I'm Precious. We spoke on Facebook," she said, introducing herself.

The woman looked up, a smile spreading across her face. "Ah, yes, it's me. I'm Ira," she replied, gesturing for Precious to take a seat.

As Precious explained their plan to Ira, Mandy arrived and joined them just as their drinks were served.

"So, you're looking to enter a little competition with Jennica, are you?" Ira inquired after listening to their story.

With a shared determination, Precious and Mandy nodded.

"I've heard a bit about her venture. However, I can offer you these lipsticks at a competitive price. My sources are from China, and I have a warehouse nearby. What you need to decide on now is the packaging," Ira explained.

Mandy was quick to point out a sleek black design adorned with glittery flowers. "This one looks fantastic."

"We'll go with that one," Precious confirmed.

"Excellent. I'll have it delivered to you by Monday morning, so you'll have plenty of time to prepare your stall for the bazaar. Best of luck," Ira concluded, standing to leave.

With the lipstick arrangement settled, Precious turned to the remaining task. "Now, all that's left is to finalize our food offering."

Mandy invited, "Why don't you come over to my place tomorrow? You can help me taste-test our sisig variant for the bazaar."

"That sounds like a plan. I'll see you there," Precious agreed, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension for what lay ahead.

The following day, Precious set out for Mandy's house, which required a bus ride into the more rustic outskirts of the city. Alighting from the bus, she was immediately enveloped by the tranquility of the area, where lush trees and grassy paths took precedence over the concrete jungle she was used to. After a short walk, she arrived at Mandy's home.

"You've arrived right on time," Mandy greeted her, guiding her into the kitchen where an experimental culinary session awaited.

Mandy gestured towards three distinct versions of sisig spread out on the counter. "I experimented with alternatives to pig brain. We have versions with cream, butter, and mayonnaise here."

Intrigued, Precious sampled each variation, searching for the perfect balance of flavours. "They all taste wonderful, but the mayonnaise version comes closest to what I had in mind. Still, it feels like something's missing," she noted thoughtfully.

"For me, the butter variant was closest to the original we tried at the Food Kingdom, but it's too greasy. Mayonnaise makes it less oily and balances the flavours better," Mandy analyzed.

"What about trying yoghurt?" Precious suggested, hopeful for a solution.

Mandy considered the idea. "Yogurt could work, but it's pricey. While we could make our own, the time constraint and our busy schedule ahead make it impractical to culture enough yoghurt for the bazaar."

Faced with this setback, both friends realized they might need to pivot their focus. "If we can't perfect the sisig, we'll fall back on selling the lipsticks," Mandy concluded, their culinary adventure proving to be a challenging yet enlightening experience.

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