The Beginning

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The following day as Precious and Mandy navigated the crowded hallway, curious eyes followed Precious's every move. Mandy, ever the optimist, whispered, "This will pass before you know it. Soon, everyone will move on, and it'll be like this never happened."

"Shoot, I think I left my locker's key at the house. Can I borrow your books for now?" Precious asked

"Sure sure. No worries." Mandy said

Suddenly, Jennica emerged from the entrance, her gaze locked with Precious while walking towards her. "Jennica, what is it this time?"

"Nothing," Jennica said calmly as she smiled, walking away

Mandy rolled her eyes. "Can you believe her? She's got to be right about everything. Let's head to class."

"She's giving me the creeps," Precious said. "I can't stand becoming the school's laughingstock once again."

"Don't worry, she's got a record to keep clean, I'm sure nothing will– " Mandy stopped.

"Precious," Mandy pointed; her voice becoming more fainter every second. "Your locker it's open."

"No no no!" Precious rushed to her locker and opened it wide to reveal a horrendous scene.

A ton of lipstick was scattered in her locker, while a key lay in the middle. "She got my key," Precious said to herself. With her mixed emotions rattling inside of her, she closed her locker to avoid suspicion, but it was too late.

Jennica came running with a teacher who ordered her to open up her locker.

"Why?" Precious tried to remain confident.

"Jennica lost her lipstick in her locker yesterday and since only the two of you were left here that day, we should take a look at your locker since Jennica showed hers. Plus, you have nothing to hide right?" Mrs Lewis said

Having no choice, Precious opened her locker revealing the evidence.

"See! I told you. She's even had my key" Jennica's words puzzling Precious

"Maam" Mandy chimed in. "Before you say anything, her locker was already opened when we got here. She has nothing to do with it."

"Then if that's the case then one of you is lying," Mrs Lewis faced both Precious and Jennica. "Open your bags and turn out your pockets to see who holds the key to Precious's locker. The spare keys were locked in the room early yesterday, so only one of you is holding it"

"Maam, I can assure you it's not me." Precious turned out her pockets. A metal key fell out, making a sound as it hit the floor, leaving Precious in shock.

"Problem solved. Jennica get your lipsticks back and Precious, go to the principal's office right now!" Mrs Lewis said as she walked out


As the school day concluded, Mandy's eyes sparkled with an idea. "I know just the thing to lift your spirits," she said, leading Precious outside.

"Please don't say chess. No offense, but it's a snooze-fest, Plus, I have detention for the next two weeks" Precious replied, a sad face breaking through her worry.

"Of course not chess dum dum," Mandy laughed. "How about a trip to the Food Kingdom?"

"That sounds amazing, but after everything with Jennica, I'm not that hungry," Precious admitted.

"Alright, what about a movie then?" Mandy suggested.

"Now you're talking," Precious agreed, her spirits lifting as they headed to the mall.

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