The Competition (Part 3)

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Precious and Mandy were swamped with customers, their stall a hub of activity as attendees perused their diverse range of lipsticks.

"This was a brilliant idea," Precious remarked with a triumphant smile.

"I had my doubts, but I can't argue with our success. It's rewarding to finally see a profit," Mandy responded a hint of relief in her tone.

"Just think, we've made $2000, and it's only the first day," Precious said, her excitement palpable.

Mandy nudged Precious, motioning towards an approaching figure. "Look, Jennica's headed this way."

"Seems like she's not too happy," Precious observed, a smirk playing on her lips.

Jennica made her way through the crowd, her determination clear as she confronted Precious and Mandy at their stall.

"What do you want, Jennica?" Precious asked, her smile polite yet insincere, as she glanced towards Jennica's less bustling setup.

"Enough with the games, Precious," Jennica snapped, her frustration evident. "You're undermining my sales."

"Really?" Precious responded, her composure unshaken. "Despite all your efforts at school, you're blaming your lacklustre sales on us? See, Jennica, you lack a fundamental understanding of how business operates."

Jennica's expression shifted from anger to a sly grin. "Perhaps you're right. After all, it's not uncommon for 'business-minded' individuals to capitalize on others' ideas. I'm aware you've seen my lipstick formula."

"Indeed, I'm familiar with your ingredients, but let's be clear—I aim higher. Why not sample ours? You'll notice a significant difference in quality," Precious countered, confident in the superiority of their product.

Jennica, fueled by a mix of rage and disbelief, tested the sample sceptically. "Impossible, this can't be better than mine," she thought, applying it to her arm. To her astonishment, despite its vibrant colour and initial appeal, the lipstick melted away under her touch like butter in the sun.

"Exactly," Precious chimed in upon noticing Jennica's reaction. "We opted to slightly compromise on quality to focus on enhancing our packaging." She demonstrated by revealing the lipstick nestled inside a glossy black bottle with an elegant cursive script, then placed it into a sophisticated matte black box. "Consider this a consolation prize," Precious added with a smug smile.

Constrained by her need to maintain the facade of a victim, Jennica accepted the box with forced humility. "This isn't the end," Jennica countered with a menacing grin as she retreated. "It's only the beginning. Don't get too comfortable."

Once Jennica was a safe distance away, Precious allowed herself a quiet laugh. "That's the price of playing the victim," she mused under her breath.

Mandy couldn't help but laugh as well. "You should've seen her face—it was priceless. She seemed on the verge of a meltdown." Her excitement was palpable as she considered their prospects. "I'm eager to see our profits by the end of this. This venture might just be a hit."

However, Precious couldn't shake off a sense of caution. "I have a feeling Jennica won't let this go easily. There's a chance she might try to sabotage our stall."

Mandy waved off the concern with a hint of irritation. "You're being overly paranoid. Jennica knows better than to resort to vandalism. At worst, she'll attempt to outdo us in sales."

Acknowledging the reason in Mandy's argument, Precious conceded. "You're probably right; I'm just overthinking." She then shifted gears, intrigued by a previous culinary experience. "Hey, remember that delicious sisig we had at the Food Kingdom?"

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