The Funeral

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On her way to the café one morning, Jennica's phone rang, disrupting the day's calm. The voice on the other end, choked with emotion, made her heart sink.

"Hello? Mrs. Pelt?" she asked, already fearing the worst.

"Precious... she's passed away," came the reply, heavy with grief.

Panicked and grief-stricken, Jennica made her way to the hospital, where the elevator opened to reveal Mandy. Their eyes met, and without a word, they rushed to each other, embracing in shared sorrow.

"I can't believe this is happening," Mandy wept.

"It's my fault...I feel like I'm the one who...who killed Precious," Jennica confessed, her voice cracked with guilt.

"Don't say that," Mandy insisted, but their exchange was cut short as Mr. and Mrs. Pelt approached, enveloping them in a comforting embrace. "It's going to be okay," they assured, though the words felt hollow in the face of such loss.

At the funeral, the air was thick with mourning as Precious's classmates gathered to pay their respects. Each tribute poured out added weight to Jennica's guilt, who watched from a distance, believing she deserved every accusatory glance, every whisper of blame.

Mandy stepped up to speak, her tribute to Precious painting a picture of a girl who was fiercely determined and unyielding in her pursuit of her goals. As the moment to lower the casket arrived, Jennica's grief overwhelmed her, tears blurring her vision.

"I can't do this, Mandy...I'm sorry. Please let the Pelt family know I had to leave," Jennica whispered, her voice barely above a sob.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" Mandy offered, concern etched in her features.

"No, I need to be alone," Jennica replied, her steps heavy as she retreated into her solitude.

Back in her apartment, exhaustion from her grief lulled her into a deep, unrestful sleep. She awoke the next afternoon to a knock at her door—Mandy was checking in on her.

"You look so pale. How are you holding up?" Mandy asked, stepping inside Jennica's cluttered living space.

"Just fine," Jennica lied, her voice hollow. She led Mandy to the table, apologizing for the mess.

"Don't worry about it. Here, I brought you some cake," Mandy said, trying to offer a small comfort in the midst of overwhelming sadness, setting down the box and revealing the cake inside.

"How are you holding up?" Mandy inquired, her concern palpable in the quiet of Jennica's apartment.

"I can't forgive myself, Mandy. It feels like I did everything wrong, and now I'm paying for it," Jennica confessed, her voice heavy with guilt.

Mandy wrapped her in a comforting embrace. "Jennica, don't be so hard on yourself. It's heartbreaking, yes, but we need to find a way to move forward."

"I understand, but how? To everyone outside, I might as well be a murderer. My own parents have disowned me. I feel like there's no reason to keep going," Jennica sobbed, the weight of her despair nearly crushing.

Mandy gently suggested, "If you're finding it hard to cope, perhaps seeing a psychiatrist could help."

"I don't need help, Mandy. I just need time to think alone," Jennica insisted, her isolation deepening.

Concerned for her friend's well-being, Mandy offered to stay, but Jennica pushed her away. "Please, Mandy, I need to be by myself right now," she pleaded, retreating to her room.

Reluctantly, Mandy left, parting with a reminder for Jennica to reach out if needed. Alone, Jennica surrendered to her grief, becoming indifferent to the world around her. She withdrew completely, ignoring Mandy's attempts to reach out, consumed by the thought that her existence had become a burden.

Then, one morning, Jennica found herself in a serene setting, seated on a swing chair amidst a gently swaying grassland. A soft breeze caressed her face as she noticed a sparkling lake in the distance, where a familiar figure sat. Approaching, she recognized Precious and was overwhelmed with emotion.

"Precious?! You're alive," Jennica gasped, tears streaming down her face as they embraced. "I'm so sorry. Please forgive me."

"It's okay, Jennica. Come, sit with me," Precious soothed, guiding her to sit beside the calm waters.

"Precious, I would give anything to go back and change everything," Jennica murmured, her heart aching with regret.

"Precious reassured her with a smile. "Let it go, Jennica. I'm at peace. What's important now is that you find your way and make amends with yourself and your parents."

Inspired by Precious's forgiveness, Jennica awoke from her dream, a sense of purpose renewing her spirit. "You're right; I have to change," she whispered to herself, tears of resolution marking the beginning of her journey toward redemption and healing.

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