Jennica's Troubles

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Jennica fled, her strides hastened by the weight of defeat, tears blurring her vision. "What now? I'm short by $10,000," she lamented, finding solace on a curb in the parking lot, her energy spent. Her parents soon arrived, her father's face alight with pride. "Incredible job, honey! Your earnings were impressive!"

Her mother's voice, however, carried a tone of annoyance and disappointment. "Still, she's $10,000 short."

Her father, ever the peacemaker, interjected, "Let's not dwell on that; I've got the $10,000. We can move past this."

Mrs. Wilkins let out a sigh, resigning to the situation. Turning to Jennica, she cautioned, "Let this be a lesson. Think twice before acting impulsively, and temper your reactions, or you'll find yourself working to make amends."

Jennica merely nodded, her heart heavy.

As her mother retreated to the car, Jennica's tears welled anew, her apology to her father breaking through, "I'm sorry, Dad. I didn't mean to be a burden."

Mr. Wilkins, comforting his daughter with a hand on her shoulder, reassured her, "It's alright. Your efforts this week have filled us with pride. And don't mention this to your mother, but here's a little something from your earnings—enjoy a treat on me tomorrow."

"But, Dad, what about the debts?"

"Don't fret about that; I've been managing our finances separately. Your contribution is more than we could ask for."

Grateful, Jennica pocketed the money, her mind already on the indulgence she so desperately needed.

The next day, under the guise of normalcy, Jennica slipped out to avoid her mother's probing questions. Her destination was the mall, specifically Nature Lipstick.

"I'd like the Goldstone shade," she informed the staff, her spirit momentarily buoyed.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but that's sold out."

"What?! But weren't there new stocks just yesterday?"

"Yes, we did restock them," the shopkeeper explained, "but two girls came in yesterday and snapped up the entire lot. It baffles me why anyone would need 1,000 lipsticks."

Jennica bit her lip, fighting the urge to scream. Those rascals, she seethed internally. "They'll regret crossing me when I see them at school."

The following day, Jennica walked the school halls, her mood as stormy as the sky before a downpour. Spotting Precious emptying her locker, Jennica stormed over, fueled by indignation. Without warning, she delivered a stinging slap. "Was this your grand plan? To monopolize even my favourite lipstick to spite me?"

Precious stumbled, a box of lipsticks tumbling to the ground and shattering. "Have you lost your mind?!" she exclaimed, attracting a crowd.

"I intended these as gifts for my presidential campaign," Precious declared, disposing of the ruined cosmetics. "You owe me for this mess!"

Flushed with embarrassment, Jennica realized the extent of her mistake as whispers and stares multiplied around her. "I—I'm sorry, I didn't mean to—" Her apology faltered as she fled to an empty classroom, berating herself. "Idiot! Idiot!" she criticized, pacing until she mustered the courage to face her peers.

With her head down, she hurried to class, only to collide with someone and fall. Looking up, she found herself facing Precious and Mandy. "You owe us $1,000 for those lipsticks," Precious stated firmly.

"I won't pay for an accident you caused!" Jennica retorted.

"It was no accident. You slapped me, causing the fall. You're responsible," Precious countered.

"Yeah, Jennica, please," Mandy urged gently.

Jennica scoffed. "As if I'd pay for your campaign handouts."

Precious's smile held a warning. "Fine. But our classmates might be intrigued by the real reason you transferred here."

Jennica froze, her secret exposed. "I made some mistakes, okay?" she admitted, turning to leave.

"Or could it be financial troubles?" Precious prodded, enjoying Jennica's startled reaction.

"What do you mean?" Jennica asked, dread creeping in.

"Perhaps I should just tell them," Precious pondered, watching Jennica closely.

Jennica moved swiftly towards Precious, her grip firm on Precious's arm. "Stop the charades! You know nothing."

Precious retorted coolly, "Two words for you: Giselle, parking lot. Shall I continue?"

"No, no, no! Fine, I'll pay." Jennica hastily retrieved the cash her father had given her. "Here's your thousand dollars. Now, leave me be." She handed over the money and retreated, avoiding Precious's malevolent gaze.

"At least she compensated for the damages. We can restock the lipsticks for your campaign," Mandy observed.

"You think?" Precious's eyes sparkled with a vengeful glee. "For once, I have Jennica under my thumb. She'll rue the day she decided to mess with me."

Mandy's concern was palpable. "Don't you think this is going a bit too far?"

Unyielding, Precious faced her. "Oh please, when she had the upper hand, she didn't hesitate. I won't let this chance slip by."

Mandy's warning was grave. "Remember, if this escalates into chaos, you're on your own. Count me out." With that, she departed, leaving Precious in solitude.

Precious brooded, "Just because she's never been on the receiving end, she thinks she can preach." Clutching Jennica's secret like a weapon, she vowed, "Jennica's life is about to become a nightmare."

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