The Change

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Jennica threw herself into her work and studies, determined to overcome her past. A year after the incident, she returned to school, channelling her energies into her academics with remarkable results. Her efforts paid off, earning her straight A's and the distinction of valedictorian at her high school graduation. However, the shadow of her past followed her, leading her to enrol in a community college after being turned away by private universities due to her offence.

Despite the setback, Jennica excelled, dedicating herself to her studies with unwavering focus. Mandy, now a successful restaurant owner, offered her support, visiting Jennica and cheering her on through her college journey.

Four years later, the moment Jennica had worked so tirelessly for had arrived—her college graduation. Staring at her reflection, excitement bubbled within her, momentarily overshadowed by the thought of her parents. Would they be there? Had they forgiven her? Shaking off the doubt, she focused on her achievement and headed to the ceremony with a renewed sense of purpose.

Arriving just in time, Jennica was quickly ushered into line by the organizer. Marching into the hall, her heart swelled with pride as she spotted Mandy in the crowd, offering silent gratitude for her friend's unwavering support.

The ceremony culminated in a jubilant declaration, "Congratulations, batch of 2023; you are now officially bachelors of Business Administration!" The graduates celebrated, embracing their families in joyous reunions. Jennica, however, stood alone, scanning the crowd for her parents. Despite Mandy's reassurances, disappointment settled in as the realization dawned that they were not there.

Trying to lighten the mood, Mandy offered to take Jennica out to her favourite restaurant. The suggestion brought a small smile to Jennica's face, even as they found the restaurant seemingly closed upon arrival.

"It looks like they're closed; there's no light inside," Jennica observed, her spirits dipping further.

"Just follow me," Mandy encouraged, guiding Jennica into the darkened restaurant, hinting at a surprise that awaited.

Struggling in the darkness, Jennica's voice trembled, "Hey, I can't see!" Then, suddenly, the room was flooded with light. The abrupt brightness momentarily blinded her, and as her vision adjusted, the sight before her rooted her to the spot in astonishment.

Her parents, visibly aged from the years of separation, stood before her. Overcome with emotion, Jennica rushed into their embrace, her tears unrestrained. "Mom, Dad, I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I promise to be better from now on."

Her mother's response, gentle and forgiving, warmed her heart. "Jennica, seeing how far you've come fills us with pride. We regret having to make tough decisions, but it was all in hopes of seeing you grow into the accomplished person you are today."

The moment was cathartic, a healing of old wounds as they held each other tightly. "Thank you for being here," Jennica whispered, gratitude enveloping her.

Her father assured her, "We wouldn't miss your graduation for the world."

With the air cleared and hearts mended, Mandy chimed in from nearby, "Now that we've settled the emotions, how about we eat? I'm starving!" Her words broke the intensity of the moment, inviting laughter and a shift towards celebration.

As they gathered around the table, the conversation turned to the future. "So, Jennica, what are your plans now?" her mother inquired.

Contemplating her next steps, Jennica shared, "I'm considering the restaurant industry. Working with Mandy could give me the experience and capital I need to eventually start my own place."

Her father nodded in approval. "Smart move. Just make sure you master cooking Mandy's speciality—her sisig is unforgettable."

Their laughter filled the room, and a light-hearted moment was shared among friends and family reunited.

Somewhere beyond, in a place of peace, Precious watched over them with a smile, content in seeing the bonds of friendship and family strengthened. "Everything worked out for the best," she reflected, as her own family's story continued with the addition of a new sibling and Mandy and Jennica having their life of fulfilment.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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