The Competition (Part 2)

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"Perfume, red pigment, oil, wax, some preservatives, and done!" Jennica declared with pride. She envisioned leveraging the recent incident with Precious as a boost to her sales, confident that the lipsticks would fly off the shelves on the first day of the bazaar, serving as both a product launch and an effective form of advertisement to passersby.

Over the past year, Jennica had devoted herself to mastering the craft of lipstick making, thanks to online tutorials and a lot of experimentation. With her father's industry connections, she managed to officially register her business under her parents' name, making her venture more than just a hobby.

As she expanded her product line to include a rainbow of colours, from bold reds to unconventional greens and yellows, her dedication to her craft was undeniable.

"Jennica, it's time for dinner," her father called out, interrupting her creative process.


At the dinner table, Mr. Wilkins inquired about her plans for the upcoming bazaar. "So, what will you be selling tomorrow?"

"I'll be offering my homemade lipsticks, just like I always do," Jennica responded, proudly displaying her collection to her parents.

Mrs Wilkins sighed, expressing her scepticism. "Can't you think of something more practical? Like food, perhaps?"

"But this is my passion," Jennica countered, her resolve unwavering despite her mother's doubts.

"There are countless brands out there that offer superior products at lower prices. How do you expect to compete, especially with such unconventional colours? Who's your target market? Clowns?" Mrs. Wilkins criticized, visibly frustrated.

Jennica's enthusiasm dampened under her mother's harsh critique.

Her father, however, offered his support. "Let's give her a chance. I believe these lipsticks have potential, Jennica. You're going to do great this week," he reassured her.

Mrs. Wilkins's patience wore thin. "Encouraging her will only lead to more financial strain, just like before." She then turned to Jennica with a stern warning. "We're not made of money. Your father's job loss was no small matter."

"I'm aware of the circumstances surrounding Dad's job, Mom. It was those kids' fault for reporting me," Jennica retorted, annoyed.

"Do you believe that was the sole reason your father lost his job?" Mrs. Wilkins challenged, her temper rising.

"Enough!" Mr. Wilkins interjected, his tone firm.

Jennica, caught off guard by her mother's insinuation, looked between her parents, confused and apprehensive. "What do you mean?" she asked, a sense of unease settling in.

The tension at the dinner table peaked when Mrs. Wilkins challenged her husband, "Don't you think she deserves to know the real reason behind your job loss? Or shall I enlighten her?"

With a resigned sigh, Mr. Wilkins began, "Jennica, the truth is, the funds to kickstart your business were taken from the school."

Jennica, taken aback, clarified, "You mean... you embezzled the money."

Nodding solemnly, Mr. Wilkins confessed, "Yes. When the school discovered the misappropriation, they terminated my employment. They've given me until the end of this month to return the $50,000; otherwise, they'll press charges."

The revelation left Jennica reeling, her emotions a tangled web of shock, sadness, and guilt. The realization that her father had risked so much for her dream cast her mother's stern demeanour in a new light.

"That's precisely the issue," Mrs. Wilkins interjected sharply. "Your wanted Adventure must now fix this mess, or else—" Her voice trailed off as she abruptly left the table, leaving a heavy silence behind.

Overwhelmed, Jennica retreated to her room, tears streaming down her face. The magnitude of her father's sacrifice and the burden of rectifying their financial crisis weighed heavily on her. Failure was not an option.

Determined, Jennica arrived at the bazaar early the following day, her resolve strengthening. She meticulously set up her stall, hopeful yet unaware of the bustling crowd around her. Initially, her products attracted her schoolmates as anticipated, but the broader public remained indifferent, bypassing her stall for another.

Puzzled by the lack of interest from the wider audience, Jennica spotted a passerby with a product eerily similar to hers. Inquiring about its origin led her to a competing stall manned by none other than Precious and Mandy. The sight of their bustling booth, in stark contrast to her own, sent Jennica into disbelief.

"No way. She did not just do that!" Jennica muttered, her shock morphing into a mix of betrayal and resolve. The stakes had never been higher, not just for her business but for her family's future.

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