The Background

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"Jennica, time for school!" Mrs. Wilkins's voice echoed through the house.

"Coming!" Jennica called back, grabbing her bag and hurrying downstairs.

Her father was already at the breakfast table, engrossed in his phone. "Morning, sweetie. Here's your breakfast," he said, sliding a plate of toast, eggs, and bacon towards her.

"Thanks," Jennica replied, taking her seat and beginning to eat.

A phone call pulled her dad away, leaving Jennica and her mom in the kitchen.

"Here's your lunch," her mom said, nodding towards the bag on the counter. "And congrats on the 100% in your quarterly test."

"It was easy," Jennica said with a shrug, standing to collect her lunch bag. "I should get going. Bye!"

"Yeah, the traffic's heavy today. You should hurry," her mother cautioned, kissing her forehead. "And remind your dad to hurry up, too."

"We're heading to the same school, Mom. It's fine."

"Off you go, then," her mom urged.

Outside, Jennica signaled to her dad, who was still on the call, that it was time to leave. She jumped into the car, turned the key, and, while waiting, pulled out her iPhone. Surprised by the flood of unread messages, she opened a group chat with her friends.

"Where are you, Jennica?" one friend asked.

"On my way! What's up?" Jennica responded, slightly irritated.

"You wouldn't believe what's happening at school."

"Out with it. What's going on?"

"Calm down. Remember Precious?"

"What about her? Good riddance to her."

"She's made quite the impact. Students have been rallying for her for the past hour."

"No way!"

"It's true. You need to see this."

"That's impossible! My dad can't find out, or I'm done for. Can't you do something?"

"Risk ruining my clothes? No chance."

Jennica's frustration mounted as she deliberated on how to quell the rally. Upon her father's silent entry into the car, she straightened up, anxiety coursing through her.

The ride was eerily quiet, culminating in their arrival at a school engulfed in chaos. Students brandished signs proclaiming "Justice for Precious!" As Jennica exited the car, her father hastened to his office, leaving her to confront the unfolding turmoil alone.

Reunited with her friend Kate at the school's entrance, Jennica was greeted with a grim prognosis. "It's pandemonium," Kate observed. "Classes are at a standstill. The students are on the brink of rioting until—"

"Until what?" Jennica pressed.

"Until you and your father are expelled," Kate finished grimly.

"Then I'll just have to put an end to this," Jennica declared, ignoring Kate's protests.

Fueled by determination, Jennica confronted the crowd, threatening expulsion for those who didn't cease their protest. Her threats were met with derision. A girl with glasses, a red beanie, and braces, named Giselle, boldly confronted her.

"You don't belong here smartass!!!" she roared followed by the people rallying with her

This angered Jennica and she grabbed Giselle by her shirt. "Listen here twig, if you don't stop this now, I'll also get you expelled!"

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