The Plan

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Precious marched angrily. "She wants to play, Oh, she'll get one!" Precious was so full of rage that she did not realize that she had banged the door as she entered her class. Everyone looked at her as if she was a maniac. Precious felt so embarrassed that she just stood there, frozen, hoping she would disappear from the ongoing lecture.

"Precious, would you like to sit down or what!"

"Sorry, Mr Phillips," Precious said as she hurried to her seat.

"What happened to you? You look like your head's about to burst." Mandy said

Precious was so into thinking about what she was going to do that she did not hear what Mandy said.

"Ohohoho, that know-it-all thinks she can kick me out. Let's see who will last."

"Hey!" Mandy tugged Precious. "What's the matter with you?"

"Oh, sorry, I'll tell you later," Precious whispered.


"OH MY GOSH! Is she insane? Sounds like she wants to blame someone for her mistakes." Mandy said

"I know, right!" Precious replied. "I mean, what does it have to do with me when bozzos followed my heroic act? She should have had it coming to her."

"So what are you going to do?"

"Oh, I have a plan," Precious smirked. " Right now, she is winning the hearts of everyone. Yet, she does not know what's coming to her."

"Hey! Mandy tapped her friend. " I know you are so enthusiastic to get back with Jennica, but control yourself. You look like a different person earlier when you entered the classroom."

" Don't worry, sorry, I was just full of emotions back then, but right now, I'm level-headed," Precious explained.

"Just forget and relax for now," Mandy said, concerned about Precious. " You know there is a bazaar next week. Do you have any plans for what we can sell?"

"Oh, right....... We could do home-baked cookies." Precious suggested

Fueled by anger, Precious stormed back to class, her mind swirling with thoughts of how to get back against Jennica. Her entrance was so forceful that she slammed the door open, causing every head in the room to turn towards her. The sudden attention made her wish she could vanish, especially in the middle of Mr. Phillips's lecture.

"Precious, would you like to take your seat?" Mr. Phillips asked, eyebrows raised.

"Sorry, Mr. Phillips," she mumbled, quickly finding her way to her desk.

"You look like you're on the verge of exploding. What's going on?" Mandy inquired, concern evident in her voice.

Caught up in her chaotic thoughts, Precious barely registered Mandy's question. "That know-it-all thinks she can drive me away. We'll see who truly belongs here," she muttered under her breath, unaware she was speaking aloud.

Mandy, perplexed and worried, nudged Precious. "Hey, what's gotten into you?"

"Sorry, I'll fill you in later," Precious whispered back, trying to regain her composure.


"Is she out of her mind? Blaming others for her own downfall?" Mandy exclaimed later as Precious recounted Jennica's provocations.

"Exactly," Precious agreed. "She's the one who stirred trouble. Now she's playing the victim."

"So, what's your plan?" Mandy asked, curious yet apprehensive.

Precious grinned a glint of determination in her eyes. "Jennica may have charmed everyone for now, but she won't see what's coming."

Mandy tapped Precious gently, her expression serious. "I get that you want to stand up to Jennica, but be careful. You seemed almost like a different person earlier."

"Don't worry. I was overwhelmed earlier, but I've calmed down now," Precious reassured her friend.

"Let's just focus on something else for the moment," Mandy suggested, trying to divert Precious's attention from the conflict. "The school bazaar is next week. Any ideas on what we could sell?"

After a moment's thought, Precious proposed, "How about homemade cookies?" Her suggestion marked a temporary retreat from the turmoil, offering a glimpse of normalcy amidst the brewing storm.

"But doing the same thing as last year might not spark much interest. And remember, we even ended up at a loss. My parents would definitely not be happy if that happened again," Mandy pointed out, recalling their previous venture into the school bazaar.

"How about we take a walk around the mall? We might stumble upon some inspiration, and we can grab a milk tea along the way," Precious suggested with a light-hearted laugh.

"Alright, but you're covering the cost for both of us this time," Mandy agreed as they prepared to leave.


"This milk tea is exactly what I needed to recharge," Mandy exclaimed, savouring the cold, creamy drink. "Thanks for treating me, bestie."

"Hmph," Precious playfully grumbled. "You chose the most expensive option on the menu. Some 'thanks,' that is."

Their banter continued as they roamed the mall, eventually finding themselves drawn to the bustling Food Kingdom. This culinary haven was a mix of amateur and professional chefs showcasing their creations and sharing recipes with eager foodies. Intrigued by the array of savoury and sweet options, Precious and Mandy dove in to explore.

"Look at this," Mandy exclaimed, pulling Precious towards a stall. "Fried ground pork with raw onions and a tangy, white sauce. And they've even squeezed fresh lemon over it!"

As they sampled a dish known as sisig, their taste buds danced with delight at the flavours. "The lemon really cuts through the pork's oily sensation," Precious noted, her mouth still full.

"This could be a hit at the bazaar!" Mandy mused. However, their enthusiasm waned upon learning one of the key ingredients was pig brain and the realization that the dish's complexity and cost would likely deter their peers.

Their culinary tour of the Food Kingdom left them with more exotic dishes than feasible ideas, none of which seemed practical for high school students to prepare and sell for a profit. They ended their exploration feeling disheartened and sat on a bench outside, pondering their next move.

"So, what do we do now?" Mandy asked, her voice tinged with defeat. "Maybe the cookies weren't such a bad idea after all."

Just then, Precious's gaze landed on a store across from where they were seated. An idea sparked in her mind, a departure from their initial food-centric plan.

"What if we explore a non-food option for the bazaar?" she proposed, her eyes lighting up with possibility.

Mandy looked up, skeptical. "Like key chains? That's going to be everyone's go-to."

Precious, however, was already considering the potential in the diverse array of items and services that didn't involve food. Her enthusiasm for this new direction hinted at the creative solutions they could discover together.

Mandy raised an eyebrow, scepticism evident in her voice. "Okay, and what's so intriguing about a cosmetic shop?"

Precious, feeling a spark of inspiration, turned to her friend with a newfound excitement. "What do you think about homemade lipstick?"

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