The Aftermath

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"Precious is truly a kind soul," Mandy began, her voice trembling as she addressed the gathered crowd. "She reached out to me when no one else did, and we instantly connected. It's hard to believe that—" Her words dissolved into sobs, the weight of recent events momentarily overwhelming her.

"I can't express how quickly this all happened. If you're able to donate, we'd be immensely grateful. Your generosity would significantly aid Precious during her hospital stay." With that, Mandy stepped away from the podium, taking her seat among the supportive faces.

The response was immediate; a line formed as people stepped forward to offer their donations. Mandy collected each contribution with a heavy heart, organizing a support fund to assist Precious's family with the mounting medical expenses.

"Mandy?" The familiar voice caused her to look up.

Jennica stood before her, receiving a cold stare in return. Mandy's look of disapproval was palpable, prompting her to ignore Jennica's presence.

"Why are you here? Haven't you caused enough harm?" Mandy's voice was tinged with disbelief and anger.

"I... I'm sorry. I never intended for things to go so far," Jennica stammered, attempting to bridge the gap between them.

"Enough," Mandy cut her off sharply. "You've done what you did. Please, step aside; there are people here who genuinely wish to help."

Jennica's eyes pleaded. "Can we at least talk afterward?"

Reluctantly, Mandy agreed. "Once I'm done here, we can talk."

As the line dwindled, Jennica approached Mandy again. "There's a café a few blocks from here. My treat," she offered, a hopeful smile on her face.

"Let's make this short," Mandy responded curtly, gathering her things to follow Jennica to the café. Once settled in a cozy spot by the window, Mandy quickly ordered. "A frappuccino for me, thanks."

"So, what's this about?" Mandy asked, her gaze fixed on Jennica, searching for sincerity.

"I'm truly sorry," Jennica began earnestly. "I know we weren't close, but I'm here because I need to understand what happened."

"You left her—and didn't look back. Why should I share anything with you?" Mandy's voice rose, barely containing her frustration.

Jennica's apology was fervent, and her gestures sought forgiveness. "I panicked, and I regret it deeply. Please."

Mandy's resolve softened. "What's done is done. I suppose holding onto anger won't change the past."

Jennica looked up, her eyes brimming with gratitude. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice barely above a murmur.

Mandy fixed her with a somber gaze, the weight of the situation pressing down on them both. "It's been a month since the incident. Precious hasn't fully emerged from her coma, according to the doctors," Mandy shared, her tone laden with concern.

A shadow of guilt crossed Jennica's face. "I'm so sorry. If only I could undo what I've done," she lamented, tears spilling over.

"Yeah, well, what's done is done. We can't change the past. We need to focus on moving forward," Mandy responded, her voice steady yet empathetic.

Jennica's emotions overwhelmed her, leading her to break down. "I can't believe I was capable of causing so much harm!"

Mandy reached out, her hand finding Jennica's. "Stop. It's not entirely your fault. Precious's actions contributed to this too. We have to accept what's happened and find a way to move on."

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