The Lipstick Incident

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As Precious made her way into the school the next day, she cautiously scanned her surroundings, alert for any sign of Jennica lurking nearby.

"What's got you so on edge?" Mandy inquired, catching up with Precious in the hallway.

"It's odd," Precious confessed. "Knowing Jennica, I expected some sort of ambush by now."

Mandy couldn't help but laugh. "Maybe she's just messing with your head, making you paranoid."

"That might be the case, but let's see," Precious mused, approaching her locker with caution. She braced for a prank as she opened it, but to her surprise, everything was in order. Her books lay untouched, and her personal decorations remained undisturbed.

"You're right. She's playing mind games with me. Clever," Precious conceded, closing her locker with a thud before heading to class.

Inside the classroom, Precious inspected her desk and chair for any hidden traps but found none. Mandy, growing frustrated with her friend's paranoia, remarked, "This is getting ridiculous. Nothing's going to happen."


"Stop being so jumpy," Mandy implored as they sat down for lunch.

"I haven't seen Jennica all day. Until I do, I'm keeping my guard up," Precious retorted, her eyes scanning the cafeteria for any sign of her nemesis.

"Jennica could be anywhere—maybe she joined a club, or she's simply absent today. Are you even listening?" Mandy's exasperation peaked when she caught Precious sneakily attempting to sample her seafood, swiftly intervening to prevent her from eating something she was allergic to.

"Oops, my bad," Precious apologized, finally turning her attention back to her meal. Mandy emphasized the importance of not letting paranoia ruin her lunch break.

With their break nearing its end, Precious and Mandy hurried to their next class. Upon entering, they finally spotted Jennica casually lounging at her desk with a smirk directed at Precious.

"Looks like you can stop the search now," Mandy quipped, trying to lighten the mood.


After Precious successfully delivered her presentation, Jennica eagerly volunteered to go next, casting a sly look at Precious as she made her way to the front.

"For my presentation, I'd like to start with a demonstration. Precious, would you mind assisting me?" Jennica called out, her tone dripping with faux sweetness.

Hesitantly, Precious agreed and approached Jennica, who radiated a floral scent and was dressed in her usual eye-catching attire. Precious couldn't shake the feeling that Jennica was plotting something.

"What do you need me to do?" Precious asked, wary of Jennica's intentions.

"I'll be comparing different lipsticks—expensive, cheap, and my homemade ones. You'll be my model," Jennica explained her proposal, drawing excited murmurs from the class.

A student exclaimed, "Lucky her, getting to try the most expensive lipstick!"

Precious couldn't help but worry. Jennica's earlier grin haunted her thoughts, leaving her anxious about what was to come.

The classroom erupted with excitement as Jennica prepared to demonstrate the differences between expensive and cheap lipsticks. "The expensive one provides a more vibrant colour and is smoother to apply," she explained. Just as she was about to introduce her homemade lipstick, Precious, driven by a mix of curiosity and paranoia, snatched it from her hand.

After a brief inspection, finding nothing amiss, Precious awkwardly attempted to defuse the tension. "Sorry, I just got a bit excited," she said, offering a strained smile.

Jennica, visibly annoyed, reclaimed the lipstick. "Did you really think I'd sabotage this to get back at you?" she asked disbelief and hurt colouring her tone.

"It's not like that," Precious mumbled, feeling the weight of the class's attention on her.

"I can't believe you'd suspect me of such pettiness," Jennica said, her voice quivering. "If you didn't want to participate, you could've just said so."

"Precious, back to your seat!" Ms. Rey interjected, visibly disappointed. "Jennica, I'll be your model for the homemade lipstick."

As Precious retreated to her seat, she could sense the disapproval from her classmates, their whispers weaving a net of judgment around her. It was then that Precious realized Jennica's strategy: she had anticipated Precious's paranoia and used it to cast herself as the victim, effectively turning the tide of public opinion against Precious.

Lifting her gaze, Precious met Jennica's eyes. A faint, triumphant smile played on Jennica's lips, confirming Precious's worst fears. Jennica had outsmarted her, and now Precious was left to navigate the fallout.

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