Poem: To Me

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I don't believe in promise rings.
Hearts aren't shapes but broken things
Stuck together so perfectly
Just waiting to be comforted
By sweet gentle lies
And soft manipulation.

Your heart's trials often end
With little to no comfort
Cause you even hurt your friends
After being scarred
By the angel of light dressed in red.

The bright red almost blinded you
And it made you numb
To all of your emotions
Other than that thing called 'love'
But is it really love if it hurts so much?
Is it really love if it leaves you feeling
Trapped, caged in a locked establishment
Without any escape from the torment
Of your so called love.

I know what it's like
And I think you should run,
Run away from him/her
And their indecisiveness,
Their perfections, their flaws,
Their soothing lies and gentle manipulation.
Run away and don't look back.

Save yourself from the insanity of overthinking
And crying
While they're blatantly lying about God knows what.
Run to freedom

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