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If you only just wanted to fuck
You could of said that shit
You see I only gave you the time
I'm not used to niggas giving me the attention
So when I let you in
I expected you to not stay
Cause niggas never stay
They come and go as they please
But they only do what we allow
Baby honestly if we speaking the truth
I just only wanted to fuck too
I'm sorry if I offended you
But shit look at me
You think I'm going to just settle for your ass
So leave your key on the counter
Your replacement is on the way and don't try
To change my mind
Remember we were just fucking that was the arrangement
Now your time has expired
If you only just wanted to fuck
Why become attached when that wasn't a part of our arrangement

"That's the poem you wrote about me?" He asked.

"No, it's not. I haven't figured it out yet." I tapped the pencil on the counter.

"Figure it out now, right now just tell them what you can spit from your head. It's all in here and you know mami I'm always here." He leans over to grab my lollipop from my mouth. "Same time tomorrow baby," He left out of the store.

Snapping back into reality I was sitting in front of Olivia and Octavia Moore. They held my future in their hands and I just needed to grab it.

"We think that you are gifted, very gifted." Octavia spoke highly that her voice gave me chills that my mind started to space off with words flowing around my head. I didn't know what to say the only thing I could think of was damn my dreams were starting to unfold. No more working that bum-ass job that you hate or avoiding your true dream that you prayed for the longest.

"My brother was the one who told me and my mom about your work. As hesitant as I was to take that chance again, watching your old videos and your performance from last night told us everything we need to know." Olivia smiled.

"And we want to sign you, trust me Mya you are what this company needs," Octavia added.

"Thank you, I appreciate it and I will need a few minutes to look this over with my aunt."

My aunt was a lawyer and I trusted her as well as her judgment. I called her and asked if she could be present at my meeting with the Moores. "Can we have the room for the next fifteen minutes alone, I need to discuss with my client about the contract."

"Sure, take all the time you need." Both Olivia and Octavia said. They left out of the room and I turned to my aunt.

"This is a great contract. I can say that but with a great contract comes opportunities, and those two ladies are going to get you exactly where you need to be. " She smiled then grabbed both of my hands. "This is your life, Mya. What do you want?"

"I want to write and be happy," I answered. "I don't think Pops is going to be happy with this you know he never supported." I looked down.

"I will talk to Carlos and he is just going to have to get over it.  Your father could be an asshole but this isn't about him. It's about you." She said.

My father never supported my poetry who always thought it was a waste. It called poetry garbage every chance he got and don't let him find a poem inside of a newspaper, he would just rip it out.

My mother on the other hand complete opposite. She loved my poems and she loved my poetry. Then, she left us and I was stuck with the parent who hated my dreams.

"Fuck it," I grabbed the pen to sign all of the documents. "I have to go use the bathroom you can tell Olivia and Octavia that they can come back." I left the room to go use the restroom.

I walked inside the bathroom. I assumed I was the only one in the bathroom until I heard a voice. "Nah, fuck that you need to finish your book or else I'm dropping your ass." I heard a male voice.

It was not just any male voice it was his voice. I couldn't believe it. There was no way that this was happening. It couldn't be.

"Oh, my fault mama." He came out of one of the stalls realizing that I was in the bathroom."The unisex bathroom smells better and its the most closest to my office."

"It's ok," I dried off my hands. "I'm--" He interrupted me.

"Mya the poet, I'm a fan of your work. It's sexy but fly at the same time." He waited until I finished drying to my hands to shake my hand.

I was trying to figure out how the hell a nigga that appeared in my dreams was actually a real person.  "And you are?"

"Sincere Moore, it's nice to finally meet you, Mya." God, he smelled so good and he was nothing like the other people I saw who worked in this building that wore suit and tie.

He wore a pair of fitted leather jeans and a leather shirt with two gold chains around his neck. He had grills on two on both sides of vampire teeth.

"I don't even go by Mya the poet anymore but thank you. Uh, this is awkward." I laughed. "I love your style it's fly."

I couldn't imagine having a conversation with a guy, not just any guy inside of a bathroom. But, shit I couldn't understand why I had been dreaming about Sincere. All of this shit felt like a dream.

"Thank you, mama." He smiled. "You fly too, how long you're gonna be here?"

"Not long, why?" Sincere licked his lips.

"Just want to chop it up with you more, if that's okay with you, mama." If I stayed in this mother fucking bathroom with this man, I was going to have to show his fine ass something.

"Yeah, that would be nice but maybe some other time." I grabbed my purse. "It was nice talking to you Sincere."  I left the bathroom. I didn't give him a chance to say anything else.


Aliterations had grabbed my tongue. Shit, I was dying to write my next poem. Just had to get the hell out of that bathroom first before I did something real nasty like last night nasty.

I made it back inside of the meeting room."Sorry, for the wait."

"We were just talking about going out to brunch to celebrate." My aunt said. "It's up to you."

"I think that's a great idea, but dinner sounds better. I was thinking about getting straight to work."

"I can show you around." Olivia offered.

"Yes, that would be nice."

Sweet, sour, spicy
Are words that describe you
Appears in my dreams
As my sweet and sour

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