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"I'm the first to what?" I stared into his eyes.

I wanted to know exactly what Sincere was thinking and exactly what he meant. He pulled me closer to him.

"To catch my attention, I had my time with woman but not here. Just the first time I saw you I knew I wanted to be around you." He confessed. "A breath of fresh air when I stare into your eyes, I wanna breathe the same way you do. "

I couldn't help but to blush. Wrapping my arms around his neck. "Is that right?" I asked and he stepped closer.

"Yeah and I want you to do me a favor,"  He said.

"What's the flavor?" I played with one of the chains that were around his neck.

"Write something for me then come back to me." He kissed my cheek. "It has to be about me," He suggested.

I mean like my poems were sometimes personal but often times they were not. When things get personal in my work I start to become overwhelmed. However, this shouldn't be so hard. It was about Sincere, and it was all starting to make sense now. He only fucked to get me to write about him, I didn't see the problem at all.


Before we get started
I need to know
One thing

Shit, it's like my mouth wants to say it
But then my body wants to react
My mouth wants to go off like a air balloon
As I look into your eyes you tell me to use my words
To get exactly what I want
I'm so nervous like a hoe who is short on money
But baby ain't no tricking going on here

The thought of wanting to fuck crosses my mind

Baby, I have to ask you a question
Shit, it's throbbing again and it's beating like a breathing machine
You see I been playing hard to get
I don't want you to think I am some thirsty bitch
Cause you know bitches be thirsty for some dick

You look me in the eyes
Tell me to use my words,
Those red eyes do it to me everytime
I bit my lip
and say
fuck me
Not just any fuck cause anybody can fuck me
If a bitch want some dick she gonna say she does
But this shit baby is different
We got chemistry, wrong subject
Maybe the reproductive system you know when female and male—
Nah, this is sex ed
Sit back and listen,

My other fucks were one-night stands and none of those niggas could make me cum
Their asses already ain't make the cut
But I want to give you a chance
You see normally I would of already fucked to get the answer I was looking for
But, I want my gut, body, and soul to work it's magic before a fuck is given
I may be wrong or I may be right

I know you can make me cum
You make me cum every time I look into your eyes
You see a woman's intuition never lies
It's loyal as fuck
I know you can make me cum because I cum every time I think of you
It's like I'm high without smoking
You're my high
Every time you look at me

Baby look at me don't take your eyes off me

Before we get started
I just want you to know
I want you to fuck me like it's our last day
Have my legs shake uncontrollably
Talk to me
Tell me you love me
Tell me I'm beautiful
Hold me
Pull my hair like shoestring
Fuck me all night like a stopwatch
Call me your little slut

Damn is that too hard to ask
I wanna fuck
I ain't no thirsty bitch
But a woman has needs and I need you—-
I mean your dick
Inside of me
Not just inside of me but like I need you so deeply
Not inside my head cause that's not what I'm looking for
But that's so rare to find
Cause it's hard to find a nigga that can fuck me

A girl with daddy issues never believes in love but she fucks every nigga she wants
But a win is a win
When a nigga makes me cum that's rare to find
Just cause a nigga got a big dick don't mean he knows how to fuck
My intuition tells me that you can
I got a confession

Ain't no I don't normally do this
But it feels brand new
Shit, it's happening again
You tell me to open my mouth
When I do

I won't be afraid to tell you this pussy is yours

I laid across my bed writing inside of my poetry book. Sincere told me to go home and write something then come back to him after last night's event. I wasn't expecting to fuck him so soon but I did.

One-night stands became my thing after breaking up with Bryson. I haven't heard anything from Chance since the night of the poetry slam, what happened between us was only a one-time thing.

I learned when it comes to these niggas you get attached or you don't. I don't get attached. That attachment shit never went well and sometimes it could be dangerous. I have been through a lot of dangerous shit. I gave my life to a nigga for five years with broken promises and disappointments. I ain't want to put myself through that again so I turned off all of my emotions.

Not to sound like a heartless bitch but like I have to do what is best for me.

I climbed off my bed when I heard knocking at my door, I looked through the peephole. "What the fuck is he doing here?"

"Mya, open up this food is going to get cold." Chance said.

I opened the door, "Fuck you want?"

"Damn, is that a way to greet a nigga," He entered my apartment and placed the food on the island.

"Yes, the fuck. It is exactly how I should be greeting your ass." I rolled my eyes.

"I been busy and I know I could have told you that," He said sounding all sincere and shit. I wasn't falling for any of that.

"But you didn't, so fuck is you here for?" I went over to the food and grabbed a fry from the bag.

"You know you got a smart ass mouth right," He sat me on top of the island.

"Mhm, whatever. Like I said why you here?" I asked.

"I wanted to see you, shit you left me in the bathroom or you forgot about that." He placed his hands on top of my thighs to caress them.

"I did and I will do that shit again. " I removed his hands from my thighs. "I got what I wanted a nut and that's it."

"Damn, I'm just a nut to you." He sounded so hurt the tone of his voice had changed to shaky. "I always wanted to be with you and its like damn you gave that nothing ass nigga a chance."

"Chance we will never work, I told you I don't do relationships or attachments. My ex don't got shit to do with this conversation and yes I gave him a chance. I regret that shit every single day and I have to live with that." I said annoyed.

Everyone always talked about Bryson and I was so annoyed by it. I just wish people could just let that shit go like I have.

"Mya, if I made you feel offended it wasn't my intention I just--" I ignored him and got up going inside of my room. I didn't feel like saying anything else to him. I hope he got the hint to leave because no one had time to keep discussing what I should of did or should not done with Bryson or that I should have picked him instead.

I hopped back on my bed and went back to writing. Shutting everything out except for the words that were ringing off the pen.

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