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It's not like I was into him or desperate to get this to work out. To say I'm here because I'm forced to is an exaggeration, but not a total lie. Jungkook didn't force me to go on this date, actually when I first told him, he tried to persuade me to wait a little longer and not jump to the first guy that I matched with. But my stubborn brain just thought it'd be a great idea to do exactly that. And technically, Eric wasn't the first guy I matched with. He was the third, although he was the first one to get my attention.

Summary of the date so far? I had to carry most of the conversation. And it's not like that's always worked well. If not at all. At first I tried to put into practice everything I've learned so far, but I was unable to keep the act for too long.

The awkward silence, and the short expression on our faces that show off how uncomfortable we actually feel, are the only things I've been able to highlight from this date. And it's kind of sad, since he seems like a good guy after all, but I'm thankful I'll only see him tonight and move on fast after that.

Not like I'd feel forced to meet up with him again, but knowing I have the deal as a backup to justify why I most probably won't ever talk to him again, makes me feel better about myself and my decision.

—For how long have you been owning Ares? —another question about his dog. This is probably the fifth one.

—Five years —his eyes shine at the mention of his dog—. I don't like to say I own him though.

—He's more like a child to you, I guess.

Eric nods, and fixes one of his curly brunette locks with the palm of his hand before he gives a sip of his wine. And that's how we welcome silence again.

—How many boyfriends have you had?

It's the first personal question he's dared to ask, and I can't believe it had to be exactly that one. I try to think whether to lie or be honest. And clearly I realize I need to lie. But how many boyfriends do I say? Three? One?

Okay. Let's say two, just something in between.

—Two —I take a gulp of wine.

Side note: I also hate wine, but he interrupted me when I was about to say I wanted a beer when the waiter took our order. So it takes me one big effort to hide the disgusted face when the taste of the liquid rests on my tongue.

—And you're twenty six, right? —he lifts one of his eyebrows— Were they long-term?

—Why? —I frown.

—Because just two boyfriends at your age is... not that many. Especially if they were short-term.

I give him a sided smile full of venom. One thing about me is that I can be the shyest person when I'm on neutral ground, but the moment you start to get on my nerves, that shyness vanishes. If there's something bigger than my diffidence, it's probably the pride I think I have.

—Mind you explain yourself?

—Unless you've done hookups and flings —he squints his eyes while curving his lips—, and judging by your attitude it doesn't seem like that's the case, you're probably quite inexperienced —he continues right when I'm about to fight back—. And let's be honest, at this point of my life I don't want to be teaching someone how to do things. I moved on from that when I graduated high school.

Did I say he was a good guy? Never mind, I take it back. He looks like the type of man that doesn't even know where the clit is, and could spend minutes rubbing the palm of his hand against the groin, and still ask her if she enjoyed it.

—Lucky you I was never here to fuck you, then —I fake a smile—. And since we cleared everything, there's no point for me to stay here longer, right? —I stand up and start walking, but I turn back on my tracks shortly after— And next time, let your date choose by herself what she wants to drink and eat. For someone who hates inexperienced girls, you do love control.

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