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After almost two weeks, I've come to the conclusion that there isn't anything as "enough" when it comes to Jungkook. Every day that I tried to convince myself I couldn't like him more than I do, I prove myself wrong. It's in the cute notes he leaves in my kitchen whenever he has to leave before I wake up, how he picks me up from work just because he wanted to spend the night with me, or even the way his eyes shine whenever I look at them. Or how supportive he has been with absolutely everything that relates to me -and how he's probably the reason why I'm sitting in front of Jimin while he waits for me to open up.

I tell him absolutely everything that's been going down these weeks, explaining everything I remember about that visit to New Jersey and everything I found out. Actually, most part of the session revolves around that topic and his explanation.

What happened made me view men as a threat, and sex as a punishment. Or, at least, it was like that until I worked on it with Jungkook without even being aware of everything that was happening with me. Apparently the way he insisted on getting close to me, and the way we both started, made it impossible for me to try to step back and run like I was used to doing with other guys.

Nightmares have slowly disappeared, and those small "attacks" I'd have whenever I tried to have sex with him were less frequent -until they stopped happening at all.

—It's really good it has had a good evolution in such a short span of time —Jimin notes—. To be honest, when Jungkook told me about you two, I was concerned about you and the dependency you could build around your relationship with him —he lifts his gaze from the computer—. I still am. But seeing the positive effect it's had, I'll just tell you to be responsible for your state.

There isn't much to discuss, yet he notes down another date for a new appointment. I get up and head to the door. Although before I leave, I turn to him again.

—Did Jungkook get the idea of seeing other people from you?

Jimin presses his plump lips together, and lets his back fall into the backrest. Honestly, while I was hearing him say that, all I could remember is Jungkook's words on how he basically forced me to choose him because of the deal. Considering these two are friends, I wouldn't be surprised at the very least Jungkook took the advice Jimin gave him.

—Don't tell him —he asks me.

So that's a yes.

I'm pissed. Really. It annoys me how he got someone's opinion and decided to run with it, instead of trying to talk to me. And even trying to constantly convince me it was a good idea. I totally understand where he was coming from, but seriously? I should've had the last word. I actually should've been the one to choose. He should've told me at least.

What's up with communication and all that bullshit he talked about when we started our deal?

I sigh, stopping myself from getting even more mad while trying to remind myself he's already moved on from that.

But how can someone be so fucking stupid?

It all seems to vanish when I get a drive to the tattoo studio and I see him working from outside. He's drawing on his notebook, resting half of his body on the counter, with the tip of his tongue perking through his lips while he frowns slightly. How does someone actually get mad at him?

I fucking hate him for this.

He smiles without showing his teeth when the sound of the door gets his attention and he sees me. It's like he has that power to make everything that's wrong disappear with just looking at me.

—I didn't expect you so early —he walks to me.

—I wasn't planning on coming so early either, but since you said Mark wasn't here today...

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