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I know Tammy is close to losing her shit. It's in the way she keeps huffing and shaking her head, and how she takes a big breath every time she comes to the counter to pick up the drinks I've prepared.

Both of us being in a bad mood, Tammy because she got rejected for a role again and me for obvious reasons, isn't of help considering the environment in the bar is awful. Drunk assholes are a daily thing in our job, but especially today they're being worse than usual. Although it's still under control, I don't want it to be one of those nights that ends up with the police paying a visit.

—They're making me so violent —she drops the plate, making the clients sitting on the counter jump because of the thunderous unexpected sound—. They'd be surprised with the thousand ways to torture someone with a straw I'm coming up with.

—Stay here, and I'll do the tables —I try to convince her—. I don't really mind, even if it's my Monday.

Whoever is having their Monday, stays behind the counter and just prepares drinks and only deals with the customers sitting here. That's what we do. The start of the week is hard enough, to add dealing with dumb asses to it. We both agreed on it a long time ago, and we've worked like that for quite a long while. But I get how she must be feeling today, I've been there, so I don't see a problem with switching places.

—But it's your Monday —she shakes her head right after saying that—. It's alright.

—Tam, I don't care. You've been with the tables for two hours already, stay back here.

—You sure?

—Yup —I walk next to her—. I'll deal with it.

Tammy doesn't hide the smile on her face as she moves to the back of the counter, running in tiny before she pays attention to some of the customers.

The next hour goes by a little more fluidly, at least it passes by faster than the past two hours. I'm so busy picking up empty glasses, and cleaning up messy tables, that I'm not aware of who's coming or leaving. I have way too much to do to actually be worrying about that.

—Look who finally dares to show up —a male voice gets my attention.

When I lift my eyes from the table, I see those plumped lips smirking at my direction. So he actually came.

—SeokJin —I say his full name playfully—. What can I get you?

—A Martini should be okay. Also, just Jin is alright.

I nod, picking the two empty glasses left on the table just to head towards the counter. And when I walk back to him with his drink, he offers me a seat. I look around, just to make sure nobody is waiting to be attended, and I take a quick look at Tammy, who nods fast at me and encourages me to sit.

—So, did a bird tell you about my offer?

—You mean that bird over there? —I point to Tammy— Yes.

—My previous art dealer moved to Europe —he starts explaining—, and I'm in a rush to find someone at his level. Next week my gallery will be holding one of the biggest expositions, and I need someone that could give good advice to clients. Melanie told me you did Fine arts, but you're struggling to find a job.

—Hence why I'm here —I shrug.

—I want to arrange an interview —he goes straight to the point—. I'm warning you, I'm not easy to impress.

—Yet you're the one trying to arrange an interview, not the other way around.

I'm surprised by the flirty tone I use while saying that, because it was more intended to sound funny. Jin smiles at my comment, nodding and giving in.

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