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When I visited him in the hospital, we didn't think we'd go almost three weeks without seeing each other. But apparently, both Soo and his mother have been with him all the time throughout his recovery, which limited us to conversations via texts and long night calls that would always end up on how we are missing each other.

If one of us thought it'd cause some distance between us, then we were wrong. On my side, it only made me more eager to see him. I never knew I'd need hugging someone the way I need to hug him right now. For no other reason than just feeling his arms around me and getting lost in the sound of his heart beat.

Nothing else, actually.

That's why I feel so weird about the fact that I'm at this party, when I'm only thinking of going to one place. But Tammy's excitement for her play convinced me to come. There's no way I wouldn't be supporting her on something like this.

Even if her social butterfly skills make her switch from one group to another, and she barely spends two minutes on each.

Meanwhile, our group stays in one of the big tables of Taehyung's pub, just chilling and drinking, enjoying the music. Tae himself joins us a few times whenever he feels like it, and I can totally see why Jungkook gets on so well with him. He engages in conversations so easily, even with me -considering I'm a hard one for those.

—Jungkook! —Melanie cheers, looking over my shoulder.

Confused, I turn to my back, seeing him getting inside with that cheeky smile I've missed to see in person for too long. I look at him, maybe a bit too much, but just enough to realize his hair is a bit shorter than it was a few days ago -on the last pic he sent me-, and his arm isn't wrapped in plaster anymore -it has a thin bandage instead.

—I couldn't miss your party —he cheers at Tammy, pulling her for a hug.

She pinches his cheeks as they step back, thanking him for coming. And it doesn't take much for everyone to greet him the same way -even Soo and Mark, who probably saw him just a few hours ago.

He holds me tight when it's my turn, wrapping his arms around my shoulders while mine surround his waist. His chin, resting on my shoulder, tenses when he smiles. And it only makes me want to hide my face deeper into the curve of his neck. But this hug is taking a little too long for two people that just happen to have the same circle.

—You're finally back —Tae hugs him after me—. This is asking for a round of shots to celebrate, doesn't it?

We all are grouped together for the first two rounds, but soon after we start separating into smaller groups. At some point, Mark heads to one of the tables with Tammy, to spend some time with some of his friends, Melanie, Soo and I stay together in our table, while Tae and Jungkook head to the counter -or more known as his spot, because he's always there whenever we come here.

Even if we are apart, and somehow engaged in different conversations, our eyes meet through the room. It's like living that first time all over again, both of us being unable to move our eyes away. The only difference is that now he can be a tease without hiding.

He lifts his right arm, kissing a particular spot on his wrist. That particular spot I tattooed before he had the accident. That tiny gesture sets something up. I've been fine staring from afar ever since he got here, but after that, I can't.

With the excuse of refilling my drink, I stand next to him on the counter.

—Hey —he smiles.

—Hey —I smile back—. Do you come here often? —I joke.

He lets out a silent laugh, scrunching his nose before he turns his whole body to face the shelves filled with expensive alcohol bottles.

—Having fun? —he finally asks.

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