Prologue - Heart Shattered

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Rain sat on the plane and watched out of the window as Bangkok became smaller and smaller.  He is leaving everything behind.  His heart shattered into a million pieces because of the one person who was supposed to protect it.

"How did everything go so wrong" he wondered, tears threatening to fall from his beautiful eyes.  His mind wandered back to 48 hours ago.

"P'Phayu, please stop - your drunk" Rain whimpered as his boyfriend was throwing stuff in the dark house.  Stumbling everywhere and muttering thing that Rain could not catch.  He had no idea what could have happened to his normally even tempered boyfriend.

Rain had spent the day with Sky.  They had planned a BBF day, and at the start of the day Sky announced that he wanted a makeover.  So they went straight in to a hair salon and out came with a red haired Sky.  It suited him, Rain loved that his friend was more confidant to stand out. P'Pai love had healed Sky in more than one way.  They shopped and had lunch - took a million photos of the day.

Rain rushed back to P'Phayu's as they had a dinner date, only to find the house in darkness.  He walked though to find his boyfriend as drunk and as mad as Hell.

All of a sudden, P'Phayu grabbed Rain and screamed at him, "Why? Why did you do that?"

"Do what?" Rain asked, for the first time he was scared of P'Phayu.

He was thrown on to the sofa with his boyfriend looming over him , "Who is he?" P'Phayu shouted at Rain, "Who is this fucker you are screwing?"

Rain was shocked, how could P'Phayu even think that? "I am not" Rain whimpered.

Phayu threw some photos at him, they were blurry buy you could just about make out rain and the back of a red head boy who Rain was kissing on the cheek.

Rain tried to explain but Phayu grabbed him again and screamed "get out of my house, you whore!"

Rain was so shocked, and at that moment he felt his heart shatter.  Phayu was not going to let him explain. 

"You don't trust me" Rain said, tearfully "Fuck No!" Phayu screamed back, swaying on his feet.

Rain got up and walked to the door, before he left he looked back and said, "No trust, no relationship"

"Get lost, I don't want to see you" an out of control Phayu shouted.

"ok, you wont see or hear from me at all - no one will" Rain replied "I am a man of my word"

With that he left and walked home in the cold night, while Phayu drunk himself half blind.

When he got home, he rung his father and told him that the offer he proposed to Rain last week  - Rain will accept it. But he wanted to be everything to be done within 48 hours.  He father was surprised to Rains list of demands but accepted them.

Rain packed up his stuff, deactivated his social media and left his phone turned off and in a storage bin.  The movers came the next day and closed up the family house while Rain stayed in a hotel next to the airport.  Then in the early hours on the morning, boarded the plane and did not look back.

After 48 hours of not being able to contact their friends, Sky and P'Pai arrived at Phayu house.  It was a total mess.  On the floor Sky spotted the photos and knew immediately  what had happened. They dragged Phayu out of his bedroom and had gotten out what had happened.  Phayu saw Sky with his new red hair and knew that he had messed up.  They all tried to call Rain but all had the same automatic message, the phone was switched off.

Next they raced to Rains home only to find that it had been shut down and no one knew where Rain was.  That is when they noticed Rains media accounts where also deactivated.

At the start of the 3rd Year, Sky hoped to see Rain, but the class was told that Rain would be doing his course from another location for now.

Phayu turned Bangkok upside down, he went to every place he and rain had every been, but nothing - his little rain had disappeared, just as he promised.  Phayu was heartbroken and full of remorse. He kept searching hoping to get the change to ask for forgiveness and another chance.  But as the days turned to weeks then months - Phayu started to lose hope.

Until one year later, Rains media account was reactivated.

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